Prayer For Well Being

Dear Father, I thank You for who are. I pray that You give strength to the weary and increase the power of those who are weak right now, whether they are struggling emotionally, physically or spiritually. Lord I pray that they lean not on the way they feel, but instead trust You because with You they can be made whole. I thank You Lord for hearing my prayer right now, I have faith that You will deliver, Amen.

Lord, refresh and gladden my spirit. Please purify my heart. I lay all my affairs in Your hand. You alone are my guide and refuge in all things. I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved. Instead, I will be a happy and joyful being. I will no longer be full of anxiety, nor will I let trouble harass me when I am faced with trials. I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life. I ask that You refresh my spirit, and fill me with Your unfailing love in all things. Amen.

Dear God, I come to you asking for your help in keeping me strong and healthy in body, mind and spirit.

I thank you that because you created me you know my inner thoughts. You know all of my fears, my hopes and my dreams. You know my past, present and future. Only you know my personality and you know all of my emotional needs.

I thank you that you are the source of health in my inner being. When I draw close to your, you add your strength to mine. You help me cope. You guide me. You comfort me. You strengthen me.

I pray that you will continue to develop in me the graces that create emotional wellness.

I pray that you will renew my mind daily and keep my thought process clear. Help me guard against negativity, judgementalism and worry.

I pray that you will help me handle my emotions well. I thank you that you understand my feelings and that you hurt when I hurt and you rejoice when I rejoice.

Guide me to use and express my emotions in appropriate and healthy ways.

Comfort me when I am hurting. Calm me when I am distressed and anxious. Heal me when I am broken.

Alert me when I am overreacting. Prevent me from acting before I think.

When I am overcome with negative emotions to the point that they are interfering with my life, guide me to seek help from others.

Show me how to handle stress. Guide me how to keep my life balanced.

Open my eyes to activities that can replenish my mind and spirit.

Connect me with others in meaningful ways. Deepen my friendships, strengthen my family ties, connect me with other Christians.

Show me your purpose for my life that I might be part of something bigger than myself. Give me vision, hope and promise.

Never let my heart grow old. Keep me moving from glory to glory in your Kingdom.

Help me care for my body and keep it strong. Help me to eat well and keep fit.

Most of all, draw me closer to you. Fill me with faith, trust, love, grace and peace.

Let me sit at your feet in your presence, safe and secure in You.


Lord above all things, I give You the honor and the praise! I thank You for being the divine Healer. Lord I pray for Your people right now, I pray that You heal the brokenhearted. I pray that You take away the pain and/or bitterness they feel. I pray that You bind up their wounds so that they can be free from them in Jesus' Name. Lord I offer their situations to You because You see them and You know what they need, Amen.

Dear Lord, I pray that You surround Your people with those who will benefit them spiritually, emotionally and even physically. Lord I pray that those who do not add anything good to their life will be removed. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Father, I pray that the environment they are in is one that sharpens them because a companion of fools suffers harm. Lord have Your divine way over all negative relationships, Amen.

King of Glory, I thank You because I know that it is You who gives people great peace. Let Your peace surround those who love Your law. I pray that those who feel distressed remember Your law and Your power. I declare that nothing causes them to stumble because You are watching over them. Let Your peace be the rock that they can lean on and let Your love be the what catches them if they fall, Amen.

Eternal Lord, I pray that Your people take Your Yoke upon them and lean from You because You are gentle and lowly in heart. Lord in You they will find rest for their souls and in You they will have eternal peace. Thank You because Your yoke is easy, and Your burden is light. I pray that those who need to be uplifted right now take hold of You and Your word, Amen.

Oh God, I pray that Your people may enjoy good health and that all may go well in their lives. Lord I pray that their souls also are made well and whole. I thank You for touching their lives and keeping them this far. I declare that Your goodness surrounds them for the rest of their days. Father please touch their lives in such a way that they cannot deny Your presence. Let all things be made well, Amen.