Prayer For Troubled Marriage

Jesus, I lift up my husband to you. Please draw him closer to you. Open his heart to you. Remind him that you love him. Give him a desire for your word. Where he is far away from you, go after him and bring him back. Give him a heart that wants to serve, that wants to worship, that wants to pray, that is humble and teachable. Help me not criticize him for any lack in this area, but instead live my spiritual life out well and pray for his. Amen.

Jesus, I lift up my heart to you. It is cold and hard and bitter roots have formed. You know why and I don't think you blame me. I truly think you understand. But I don't want to be known as an angry or sad or pathetic woman. Regardless of my circumstances, I want to be a woman who is close to you, and receives her value from you, who knows she is loved, and who has the strength to persevere and live fully no matter what. So I give you my heart. Show me what's inside. Cleanse me deep down. I give you all of the hidden places, all of the things I am clinging to so tightly even my pain and entitlement and resentment and anger and I ask that you will forgive me, change me, heal me, and strengthen me. Amen.

Lord, I feel like my partner and I have had a difficult time clearly communicating with one another lately. We are both lacking in our compassion and understanding towards each other. I pray we would be better than this, and that You will open our hearts to You. Holy Spirit, please help us be better communicators with each other. I pray that we would live with understanding for what the other person is going through, and that we are thoughtful in our words and actions. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I come before you and lay this troubled relationship in your hands. I ask that you would revive this couple, and draw them toward happiness shared together. I ask that you would renew their love and passion for one another, and that you would untangle the conflicts and strife that has damaged and angered them towards one another. Please bring understanding and tenderness of heart to both of them. May they both embrace the miracle that you desire to do for them, and within their spirits. Amen.

My heart cries out to You, my Maker of Heaven and of Earth! Please bring healing to our broken hearts, bring restoration to our relationship, ignite lost passion, and inspire forgotten intimacy. Please transform the two of us from the inside out, and lead us in Your way. We trust in you, Precious Jesus. Always. Amen.

Please pray for the restoration of my marriage. My wife of 20 yrs moved out 4 months ago. We have three beautiful children together. She is seeking a separation. I have been praying and asking God to work in our hearts. I ask God to remind my wife of all the good times and happy memories we made together. Please pray for us.


Lord, I come before you today with a heavy heart; my marriage is in grave trouble, and I need Your help and closeness. Please make changes in my spouse's heart. Make us compatible again, and bring us closer together as we were before. Fill us with Your love and give us the strength to love one another, care for one another, and fulfill your life long wishes for us. Show us the harm caused by careless, uncalled for words, and the pain caused by emotional distance. Heal the division between the two of us. Make us one again. In Your precious name I pray, amen.

Jesus please heal our marriage, unite us and deliver my partner from all evil.

Please remove all spiritual blindness and heal all wounds.

I pray the Holy Spirit makes us meek and humble at heart and creates a hunger for an intimate relationship with God.

Please pray for our family.
