Prayer For Traveler

Dear Lord,
Please keep my family in Your watchful care while we are away from home.
Keep us safely protected in Your sheltering arms.
In Jesus' name. Amen.

Dear Lord,
I pray for safe travel in our car today. I ask that no unexpected mechanical or tire issues will occur. Please keep us safe on these crowded roads as well as the others we are sharing it with. As the driver, give me the discernment as to when to take breaks so that I do not push myself to the limit. Release your angels to surround us and protect us until we get to our final destination. In your name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father,
Please protect us while we travel.
The streets are busy and the trip is long.
Keep us safe from the dangers of the road.
Give us courtesy and patience with other drivers.
And help us reach our destination swiftly and easily, always knowing that You are with us.

God, sometimes flying makes me nervous.
I know airplanes are safe, but still I worry.
Please give me Your peace Help me remember that You are watching over the plane.
Bless the men and women in the cockpit.
Bless the flight attendants and all the passengers.
Remind me that flight is a miraculous gift from You, and that when this plane speeds through the air, it is obeying the physical laws of the world You created.
As I look at the sky above and the earth below, I praise You for the beauty of Your creation.
I place myself confidently in Your care, knowing that, just as You guide me on the ground, so Your loving arms protect me in the air.

Dear God,

Please protect us on the journey we are about to take.
Support us with Your strength and grace when we are weary.
Help us to be mindful of Your presence and love in times of stress
and guide us to make our time together meaningful and memorable.

Dear and glorious Archangel Raphael, you who revealed yourself as one of the seven archangels who stands before the throne of God.

You who are sent to bring God's healing, as your name signifies.

Calling on your assistance for my journey, I do as you bid good Tobit, and I take courage, for I know God's healing is near.

You accompanied Tobiah with the assurance that you knew his destination well, and all the routes to get there.

With your angelic power, I ask you to accompany me now. May I also be favored with the promise you made to Tobit: I will go with him. Do not fear. In good health we will leave you, and in good health we will return to you, for the way is safe.

May I return to the arms of my loved ones, having left in good health and returning in good health.

May I travel in the certainty that a good angel will go with me, my journey will be successful, and I will return safe and sound.

And once home, may I take your sound advice: Bless God and give him thanks before all the living for the good things he has done for you, by blessing and extolling his name in song. Proclaim before all with due honor the deeds of God, and do not be slack in thanking him.


My holy angel guardian, ask the Lord to bless the journey which I undertake, that it may profit the health of my soul and body; that I may reach its end; and that, returning safe and sound, I may find all at home in good health. Do thou guard, guide, and preserve us. Amen.

O Almighty and merciful God, who hast commissioned Thy angels to guide and protect us, command them to be our assiduous companions from our setting out until our return; to clothe us with their invisible protection; to keep from us all danger of collision, of fire, of explosion, of fall and bruises, and finally, having preserved us from all evil, and especially from sin, to guide us to our heavenly home. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.