Prayer For Tough Times At Work

Father, thank You that even when all others leave and abandon me, You remain.

Thank You that even when the ones I thought would be around forever choose to go, I can trust that you will stand with me.

Father, I come to You with my cares and my worries concerning this trial I am facing.

Would You remind me that I am not alone? Would You tell me that you care about this and its outcome?

Father, I thank You for standing with me, and I receive your strength to stand another day.

Thank you that I can trust you to rescue me from this and every trial I will face in this life. Amen.

Lord, there is a toxic coworker at my workplace who is sowing discord and strife amongst other workers. Their actions are harmful and are affecting the team negatively.

Open the eyes of this individual so that they may see the harm in their own ways. I ask that forgiveness may be in the hearts of those who have been hurt by this person's actions.

If need be, help us to address this issue with professionalism to find peace at work. I ask that unity may be among us once again and that we begin to treat each other respectfully.

Lord, help my boss and me to establish a working relationship of trust. Help him/her to see that I am responsible and able to handle tasks and complete assignments on my own.

Give them confidence in my ability to do my job and to follow direction. Show me ways that I can help to establish trust and confidence with my boss. Reveal to me how I can give assure that I can do my job.

Help my boss to deal with any pressure or insecurity that he/she may be receiving from his/her own boss that is causing the micromanagement of others.

Lord, help my boss to shift his focus from my weaknesses to my strengths. Help him to see the qualities I possess that are beneficial to this company. Help me to work on my weaknesses in a way that my boss is able to see my progress and be confident in may ability.

Show me areas where my sregnths can be used more and ways that I can become better in my areas of weakness. May I be confident in you, knowing that I can do anything as long as you are here helping me

Lord, I feel unappreciated. I work hard and go over and beyond, and my boss doesn't even seem to notice.

Help me to remain confident in my hard work and ability, regardless of the validation that I may or may not receive from others. Help me to trust that if I continue to work hard that you will cause those who are supposed to take notice to see the work that I have done. Let the opinion of others not be the source of my success, but instead trust that you see all I do and will cause me to succeed.

God of grace,

You make me softer, kinder, gentler, generous, forgiving and loving.
Yet at times I know these gifts wear thin. I feel impatience rising, I sense resentment brooding and revenge is on my lips.
So I pray today and all days for more of your Spirit. May the grace that you pour out open the door for a renewing of my mind, a restoration of my heart and a transformation of my soul.

Thank you
That in you I find new strength
Discover more patience
And walk with grace at work in my life.


Dear Father,

Thank you that you are with me. Thank you that your Holy Spirit is working in my life to bring Kingdom blessings to the earth. I come before you with the difficulties I am experiencing with my manager. I lay before you the stress that it creates for me, and the tensions that I am aware of. Please give me great wisdom, strength and grace at this time. Help me to respect my boss, but also not to be mistreated. Give me wisdom as I seek to negotiate, to stand my ground, and to remain respectful of my work colleagues.

At this time, I choose to lean on you Lord, for in you I find strength and grace.


Abba Father,

Lord you know me and you love me. You hold everything together by your power and your grace. So I lay before you this difficult situation that I face. I trust that you will give me the strength and the wisdom I need to work these things through. I give you the job that I do, the responsibilities I have and the decisions I need to make. Come Lord, use me to bring peace, blessing and reconciliation in my workplace.

In the name of Jesus,
