Prayer For Those Who Persecute You

Grant, Father, that my enemies would have all the physical resources of food and clothing and shelter and education and healthcare and transportation that they need to fulfill your calling on their lives.

Grant, Father, that my enemies would love to do your will the way the angels do it in heaven with all their might, and without reservation, and with the purest motives, and with great joy.

Father, grant that my enemies would come under the saving, purifying sway of your kingly rule and that you would exert your kingly power to make my enemies your own loyal subjects.

Father, grant that my enemies my colleague who snubs me, my wife who belittles me, my child who disrespects me, the ISIS member who wants to kill me grant that they would come to hallow your name. Grant that they would treasure you above all, and reverence you, and admire you more than anything.

Heavenly Father, please forgive them, because they truly do not understand what they are doing, and they don't know what it is to be a child of the Living God.

Don't let your wrath fall upon them. Despite what they attempt to do to me, Lord, bring them back one day in repentance for their evil.

As you did with Joseph, lift me up on high. In the meanwhile, shield my thoughts with your peace, comfort my soul with your love.

Dry my tears. I praise and thank you for everything, in Jesus' name, AMEN!

Dear God, the Alpha and the Omega, I thank you for being by my side when, for no reason, they persecute me.

Lord, it hurts so much when I am abused, accused and condemned. They bring all manner of falsehoods against me.

But in the midst of it all, I know that you will preserve me. I will arise stronger and better because you are on my side.

No weapon formed against me shall prosper. You, Lord, are all-powerful and almighty. And despite the situation I'm in, I place my trust in you.

All things work for good for those that love the Lord, are your assuring words.

Continually speak your assurances into my heart and fill me with your peace that passes all understanding. For Lord, I cry out to you today! Nothing is too difficult for you.

Lord Jesus, following Your example and command, we pray for our enemies today. We ask first that You would saturate our lives with the Holy Spirit's power and might. Send Your love flowing through us, and forgive us for holding on to anything that could hinder our prayers. We release any unforgiveness, thoughts of revenge, or hateful emotions that can quench Your Spirit in our hearts. Then give us wisdom as we seek how to bless, to love, and to pray for our enemies.

We pray for you to bless our enemies and to orchestrate events in their lives that will leave their hearts exposed before you. As You characterized blessing in the Beatitudes, we pray that You would give them a poverty of spirit that recognizes their deep need for You. We pray they will discover Your comfort in times of mourning, and they would be humbled before Youin Your way and Your time. We pray You would show them mercy before it is too lateknowing we were all God's enemies before You extended mercy to usand that they would, in turn, be merciful to others.

Lord, we pray that instead of lusting for pure evil, they would hunger and thirst for Your purity and righteousness, become advocates of Your justice and that their warring spirits would be changed into peacemaking. Remove the faade of well-being; tear down the lies that have deceived them; and hedge their ways until they can see no way out but up. We pray You would show them the futility of what they are doing because in opposing God's kingdom and in their darkness, they are often oblivious about the true reasons for their behavior and resulting consequences. Reveal to them any deep hurts or traumas in their own lives that may be contributing to their destructive actions.

Knowing how you sometimes use pain and difficulty to bring blessing to our lives, we pray the same for our enemies. Use whatever means You need to soften stony hearts, open blind eyes, and to help them realize their ultimate neediness for You. If necessary, allow persecution in their own lives so they can experience Your blessing. Speak to them in miraculous, supernatural ways if necessary, through a dream, a movie, another believer, Your Wordor even through our own lives if we are ever confronted. In some way, let them witness Your power and recognize that You are the source. We pray for conviction, for an honest evaluation of their own destiny, and for a sense of desperation if that's what it takes for them to consider Your claims and to discover Who You really are. Pursue them, even allowing goodness to lead them to repentance. And give us patience and a deep trust in You, Lord, even when we can't see any change in our enemies. When we waver, not wanting to pray for our enemies, help us to remember Your grace in our own lives, and what we would be without You.

Your word says that for all who are persecuted, the Lord brings justice. But Heavenly Father, please forgive them, because they truly do not understand what they are doing, and they don't know what it is to be a child of the Living God.

Don't let your wrath fall upon them. Despite what they attempt to do to me, Lord, bring them back one day in repentance for their evil.

As you did with Joseph, lift me up on high. In the meanwhile, shield my thoughts with your peace, comfort my soul with your love.

Dry my tears. I praise and thank you for everything, in Jesus' name, AMEN!