Prayer For The Unsaved

Lord, I'm down on my knees crying out for my loved ones who are not yet saved. Their hearts are closed to your message of salvation. Save them. Let your Holy Spirit minister to them, lead them to repent their sins and surrender their lives to you that they may see your kingdom. Give them the strength and wisdom to always call on you when they get tempted to go back to sin. Give them the surety that we all sin and as a faithful Father, you forgive us our sins never to remember them again. Amen.

Lord in heaven, I bring my loved ones before you. Deliver them from the captivity of the devil. Let their ears be receptive of your word. Let your word, which is an inspiration from you, make them realize what is wrong in their lives, correct them when they are wrong, and teach them to do what is right. Forgive them their sins and cleanse them with the mighty blood of your son, Jesus. Be their savior. Amen.

Loving Father, I humble before you, asking for your help in bringing my unsaved loved ones to you. They are caught up in the world of sin. Soften their hearts to understand that you've paid the full price for their sins by sacrificing your only son. All they have to do is accept the gift of your forgiveness. Let them give up their worldly pleasures and seek your kingdom first. Let everything they do bring glory to you. Hold their hands to salvation. Amen.

Jesus Christ, You laid down your life on the cross so that our sins are forgiven. You endured so much pain and humiliation so that we have eternal life. I pray that my loved ones, who have not yet received the gift of eternal life, get to understand your word and know how selfless you are. Open their eyes to see the love you have for them. Weaken their dependence on their power and let them look up to you. Lead them to you. Amen.

Mighty God, I intercede in prayer on behalf of my loved ones who are not yet saved. Save them from their sinful lives. Deliver them from the devil's bondage. I ask that they may receive Jesus Christ as their savior and experience the life-changing intimacy with you. Give them the grace to overcome their desire for worldly pleasures. Show them your unending love. Let them taste and see how good you are and how blessed they are to take refuge in you. Amen.

Everlasting King, I bow before you, praying for the salvation of my loved ones who don't believe in you. Their ways are dark and against your commandments. Show them your light. Make their hearts receptive to your message of grace. Let them know of your promises. Let your love overcome their desire to sin. Put to death the desires of their flesh so that they may focus on the desires of the spirit and be among the ones sanctified by faith. Show them your ways. Amen.

Lord, I know that only those who have committed the sins can fully ask for your forgiveness. But today, I turn to you and ask in Jesus' name to demolish the strongholds in their minds that those sins have allowed. I ask that these walls are broken so they have the ability to see You! With Jesus, I know we have the authority and power to overcome the enemy in their lives. May the evil in their lives be banned away by the Spirit of God so that they can begin to ask for true forgiveness. Father, help them see their need for a Savior, to know they must confess their sins, repent, believe and live a fruitful life. Help them choose Your mercy and Your gift of grace, to believe with their hearts and confess with their mouths, Jesus is Lord. We ask in Your will, that not any should perish. In Jesus' precious name. Amen.

Lord in heaven, I bring my loved ones before you. Deliver them from the captivity of the devil. Let their ears be receptive of your word. Let your word, which is an inspiration from you, make them realize what is wrong in their lives, correct them when they are wrong, and teach them to do what is right. Forgive them their sins and cleanse them with the mighty blood of your son, Jesus. Be their savior. Amen.