Prayer For The Terminally Ill

Lord Jesus, we read in the Gospels
that you spoke individually to many people,
changing their lives
as you showed them recognition and acceptance
and as you brought them healing and wholeness.
We read, too, of how some people Mk 2:1-12
were such good friends
of a man who was weak and paralysed,
that they carried him on his stretcher:
making their way through the crowds,
carrying him on to the roof,
and gently lowering him down,
so that he could be right in front of you.
They must have been such good friends to him,
and others could see
the tenderness of their love and care
as well as their extraordinary faith and trust in you, Lord,
in bringing him into your presence.
And isn't it the very same
that we are doing today, Lord
- those of us who love and care for _________ -
as we bring him/her, carry him/her, in the strength of our love
into the warmth and light of your presence:
knowing that you, too,
are very fond of him/her?
We can all but hear you
calling ___________ by his/her name Is 43:1
as you are also calling him/her your friend, Jn 15:15
and we know that your love never fails. 1 Cor 13:8
________ - "the one you love - is ill", Jn 11:3
and those of us who join you
in loving him/her and caring for him/her
ask you to lay your hands on him/her Lk 4:40, Mk 5:23
and transform his/her life once again,
bringing him/her the fullness
of your healing and your life. Amen.

Heavenly Father, my friend, has been diagnosed with a terminal disease. He has a few weeks left before he comes into your presence. Father, despite the shocking news, he is handling the situation peacefully and is happy about coming home. Lord, I know if it were not for you, he would not be this strong. Thank you for filling him with the perfect love that has cast out fear. May the time he has left be filled with love, care, peace, and joy. May he find happiness in nature and everything that you've created amid the pain. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray, Amen.

O Almighty God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
we pray to You for Your servant (name) whose sickness is bringing him (her) to the end of his (her) earthly life.
You are the God whose only-begotten Son taught us that not even the smallest sparrow can fall without Your knowledge,
and that You hold all creation in Your merciful arms.
Look upon Your servant (name) and allow this illness to be for the death only of those things which are the result of evil and sin.

Let his (her) thoughts be quieted with the peace and confidence of his (her) final deliverance into the fullness of Your love.
Keep his (her) soul and body pure,
and sanctify them during the time he (she) remains among us,
that on the last day he (she) may be raised up with all Your saints to live with You in never ending glory.
For to You belong praise and worship,
to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen

Gracious God, I ask for Your beautiful serenity and comfort during this difficult time. As my loved one passes from their terminal illness, please bless their body and soul with the utmost peace. Surround them in Your presence, Lord. Remind them that they are not alone and never will be. Take away their pain for good. Bring tranquility and grace to their spirit. Thank You for this, Lord. I have faith You will take them fully. In Your loving name. Amen.

Compassionate Father, my diagnosis is terminal. I am in darkness. I feel numb. I feel sad. I don't whator ifI feel. I am confused, and at the same time, my mind is blank. I know that if You do not rescue me that I will soon cease to walk this earth. My steadfast hope lies in going to You. It lies in stepping into eternity with You. You say I may have peace in You. I pray, Lord, please give me that peace. Please calm my spirit within me so I may face these coming days with courage and grace. Let me be present in my final days so that I can let my friends and family know how important they have been to me. Help me comfort them and let them know that they should not be sad, because I will be looking down on them. And I will be with You. Amen.

O Lord, bring comfort to our relative who is struggling with this chronic disease. Remove any discomfort that comes from the treatment that he is getting. Holy Spirit, help him to remain positive throughout this ordeal. May he continue to be grateful for the things that you have given him even as his days on earth come to an end. Forgive him where he has gone wrong and help him to focus on you alone. Prepare him for your Kingdom and when he breathes his last usher him into your glorious presence. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

God of Heaven's Armies, my doctor has told me that I have a terminal disease, and I should get everything in order. Dearest God, I choose your word over the doctor's report, and I declare and decree that's no weapon formed against me in the form of this disease will prosper. I refute the doctor's report in the name of Jesus. Fill me with courage that I may stand firm in your promises and claim my healing that Jesus paid for at the scourging post. Bring into remembrance scriptures that will help me fight for what rightfully belongs to me. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Lord Jesus, we come before you today asking you to bring calmness to our loved ones who are terminally ill. Remind them of your love as they go through this challenging time. Please help them to be faithful to the end. Remove anything that will bring fear and uncertainty in their hearts. As they fight this battle, remind them that they're not alone. You're holding them in the palm of your hand. When the time comes for them to depart from this world, usher them into your presence so that they can enjoy your glory. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray, Amen.