Prayer For The Sick Mom

Father of Compassion, I pray that you would restore my mother back to health. Now that she is sick, the loneliness she typically feels is much more severe and she is really down. My mother's friends are dying, and she has hardly any good friends left. The friends she has left have their own lives, and she is often alone. Please sit with my mother, Father. Hold her hand and heal her. Indwell Your Holy Spirit in her and radiate Your presence from her. Rejuvenate her health and fill her with Your joy, so that she can feel she is not alone. Surround her and wrap her, Lord, in Your never-ending love. I pray she feels well again soon, and that when she is alone she would know nothing of the feelings of loneliness because of her sweet fellowship with You. I pray that You would give her friends and family more time to visit as well. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

God of Immeasurable Mercies, I praise You that You care so much for my mother. I know You love her deeply, God. God, I pray that You heal her body and free her of her sickness. She has dedicated so much of her life to raising her children. Now that we are grown, my mother continues to feel sadness and loss because we no longer are in her house and we have lives of our own. Now that she is sick, this sadness and loss weigh so much more heavily on her. Please restore her back to health, and then help her create a wonderfully vibrant and full life for herself. Guide her to meaningful activities that nourish her soul. Make this part of her life just as fulfilling as when she was raising us. Help me be a good son/daughter and schedule calls on my calendar with my mother so that I don't forget to regularly connect with her. Thank You in advance, Jesus, that You will do all these things and more. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Lord of the Highest Heavens, I pray that You would restore unity to our family. My mother is sick, and I know that nothing pains her more than when her children are not getting along. Lord, put it in all of our hearts to come together, to put aside our differences, to swallow our pride and unite for the sake of our mother's last months, weeks, or days. Put kind words in our mouths, and smiles on our faces. Open our hearts and our arms towards each other. She could leave us at any time, and we need Your divine intervention to give her the gift of a loving, devoted, cohesive family. Give her the joy of seeing her children united around her. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, my mom has been so sick lately. She needs Your miraculous, restorative hand to reach down and touch her body. Give her the healing she needs to overcome this sickness and fully recover. It is taking such a toll on her and I am beginning to worry, Lord. Please intervene soon. You are the Great Physician, Jesus, and I know that You can do all things. I am trusting in You to cure my mom. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Almighty Father,

Hold my lovely mum at this time of illness, watch over her when she can not sleep, speak your love to her when she is afraid, touch and heal her weak body.

Lord, you are the fountain of life. I ask for your life giving water to pour down upon her. Build her up again, look after her emotions and may she know your loving arms are around her at this time. Thank you for your love, and for your promises to your children. Thank you that you will never leave us, and that you bring us a peace that surpasses all understanding.


Dear Lord, I thank you for all your blessings, especially for giving us a wonderful and a loving mother. We know that whatever we have is just borrowed, but I would like to request for your Sacred Heart to heal my mother. She has been through so many hardships,but her faith in you stayed strong. We believe that you can do anything, that you can heal my mother. Have mercy on us, Lord. Amen.

O Lord,

Be beside mum, comfort her and hold her close.
May she know that she can rest and feel safe in your arms.
Bring your healing to her body,
Filling her with love and hope.
Touch her with miracle hands that restore and renew.
Watch over her thoughts and dreams by day and night.
May she dwell on happy memories and look forward to good times ahead.
May each day that passes bring little joys into her life.
Flowers, good wishes and a nice meal.
May these things bring happiness and peace.
Keep her safe until she is well.
And then may she live, love and enjoy life again to the full.


O Lord, build a wave that towers with strength
That splashes with truth
And breaks in love.
O Lord, bring a wave that sings out in praise
That carries your grace
And lets healing rise up.
O Lord, may this wave of strength, power and love
Wash over my dear mom to heal.
O Lord, may this wave sweep away the disease,
Heal the wounds and the pain she feels.
O Lord, lead my prayers,
So I dwell near to you,
May I soak in your redeeming power.
O Lord, take my hands and help me to be,
More of you to my mom in this hour.
