Prayer For The Lonely

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You today to lift up those that are lonely and who feel deserted or left alone by those they love, and pray that in Your grace and mercy You would draw near to all who are broken-hearted or crushed in spirit, and deliver them from the difficulties and troubles that they are facing today.

Draw very close to them Lord. Enfold them in Your loving arms, quiet their hearts and bring into their lives that perfect peace and gracious comfort that only comes from You, for You have promised to place those that are lonely in families and You have promised the widow that, your Maker is your husband.

Lord, for all whose hearts are aching and alone, I pray that You would draw close to them and make Yourself known in a very special way. In Jesus' name I pray,


Loving Father, for the first time in my life I myself am really feeling lonely and it is a hard thing to face. Lord, I begin to understand that there are many lonely people, many hurting people in the world today. Many who are putting on a pretence of being happy and yet they are crying out for the companionship of someone who really cares.

Lord, I am starting to get an understanding and compassion for those that are lonely. Help me to understand that there are many lonely people in the world, and I pray that You would draw close to all who are facing loneliness today. Lord, You are the only One Who can truly fill the aching void in the lives of lonely people. So I bring each one to You, and pray that Your Holy Spirit would touch hearts that are lonely and bind up their brokenness. Lord, draw many into a closer walk with Yourself. In Jesus' name I pray,


Loving Lord, my heart is breaking as I feel so very lonely and alone in my marriage. Father, I know that this is not how You ordained marriage to be in the beginning but I feel so unloved, unwanted and isolated that my heart is breaking and I just long to have a normal relationship with my spouse, whom I love dearly, but who seems so distant and far removed from me.

Lord, we seem to pass as ships in the night and I don't know what to do except turn to You and pour out my grief to You, Who calls each one of us to cast all our cares upon You and to lay all of our burdens down at Your feet.

Loving Lord, I know that You can do anything and I know that it is not Your will that marriage partners become so estranged from one another, and so I pray that in Your grace, You would touch both our hearts and work a mighty work of grace in our lives and show us how to rebuild our marriage on the only secure foundation, which is Jesus. This I ask in His precious name,


Dear Lord, You created us male and female and designed us as relational beings, to live together in a marriage partnership, and yet we know that there are many who discover themselves to be lonely and often unloved or even rejected in their marriages.

We pray for all those that are suffering this sort of loneliness, whether it is from rejection, carelessness, abuse or disinterest, and pray that Your comfort and peace would fill their hearts and that Your very presence would comfort their souls.

Restore what has gone sour in such marriages we pray, heal the brokenness and isolation and comfort each aching heart, and we ask that You would draw them back into sweet fellowship with one another and come to know You in a deeper and more meaningful way. This we ask in Jesus' name,


Dear Heavenly Father, draw close to me I pray, for I am on my own and at times I can feel so lonely. Sometimes it is harder when others are around me, especially whey they have the companionship of a spouse or a close friend. Sometimes Lord it hurts so much, but give me Your strength and patience to wait Your good timing.

Lord, You search the inner thoughts of my mind and You know my needs better than I know them myself, and so Father I place this need of companionship into You hands and ask that You would give me a measure of Your patient endurance.

O Lord, You have searched me and You know me. You know when I sit and when I rise, You perceive my thoughts from afar. Lord, please use this time of solitude to draw me closer to Yourself, to get to know You more and to love You better, for in my heart I know that You alone can fill this aching void in my life.

Lord, I realise that there are many people in the world who are facing similar loneliness today. Be the God of Comfort to each and every one I pray, and use the loneliness that they and I are going through to bring us into close fellowship with Yourself, so that we may be comforted in You and be a comfort to others in similar need.


Loving Lord, You called those that are lonely and burdened to come to You, rest in You and to put the difficulties, hardships and responsibilities of life onto Your shoulders, for You have promised to gently lead us and to carry us in Your loving arms, and to be with us no matter who else may leave us or hurt us or betray us.

Lord, I feel betrayed and so alone at this time. This betrayal of a dear friend has been like a shadow of death entering my heart. Lord, You know and understand how painful it is when a dear friend that you lived with and loved and trusted betrayed You, and I am in that position now. Comfort me in my sorrow I pray, and be with me throughout this difficult ordeal.

Thank You, Lord, that You are the One that binds up the broken-hearted and nurtures those that are alone and afraid. I know that Your grace is sufficient, even in this deep loneliness that I am facing, but give me the grace to face the future with You at my side. In Jesus' name I pray,


Lord, there are times we think we can turn to loved ones and friends in our time of need, but they forsake us.

Oh Lord, you alone know what we are going through. Sometimes we vocalize our thoughts but no one understands.

There are many times we cry out to people to listen, when we need a friend, but they hardly ever take the time to show compassion.

Heavenly, Most Loving, Gracious Father, we come before you to humbly ask that you comfort us in our moments of loneliness. Be our shelter in the midst of the storm. Walk beside us every step of the way.

Lord, at times we feel so alone, crying out for attention, in desperation, looking for some sort of acknowledgement from a single soul. Remind us that you are always there, right at our side, whenever we call.

No matter the time, the hour, the situation, Oh Lord, you have promised to never leave us nor forsake us.