Prayer For The Fallen Soldier

Loving Jesus, my Refuge, my heart is grieving the loss of my loved one. My only comfort is that they knew You, Jesus, and therefore I know they are with You. You promise that You save completely those who come to You through Christ and that You are always able to intercede for them. I pray for my fallen hero and ask that You will surround him/her in Your love. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I remember my loved one who has fallen in battle. You promised that You will come down from heaven with the voice of the archangel and that the believers will rise first. I pray that until the day I can see my fallen hero again in Heaven, that You would continue to bless my beloved warrior. I pray You would tell him/her how much I love him/her. Amen.

God of Heaven's Armies, as I think about the soldiers who have fallen today, my heart breaks for their families. I wish to honor them today with my prayer. You say that whether we live or die, it is for You. I thank You for their sacrifice and pray their deaths will not be in vain. I pray that these fallen heroes will feel my pride in their bravery and commitment to protect and defend. Amen.

Lord of Unfailing Love, my heart grieves for the soldiers who have fallen today. I know that You have received those who were Yours into Your presence, and these heroes are safe with You. Thank You for that comfort, Lord. Thank You for the promise of a place of rest that You gave us in Your Scriptures. I pray that You welcome my fallen brothers and sisters into their new homes and let them know how grateful I am for their sacrifice. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I come before You today on behalf of my fallen hero. You say that You know when the smallest sparrow dies, and You know the moment my loved one died. Thank You, Lord, that You have prepared a place of eternal rest for my loved one because they trusted in You. I pray that You bring the soothing and comforting rest that they need, now that my warrior is in his/her eternal home with You. Amen.

God of Loving Devotion, in the book of Acts You, told us how they martyred Steven for the sake of the Gospel. I come before You today for our fallen soldiers. They died to bless this country, the one founded on Your name and principles. I know that when Your children arrived in Heaven, You received them with open arms just as You did Stephen. I pray that Your open arms will fill each fallen hero with Your comfort. Fill their hearts with perfect love and joy in the knowledge of their heroism and their greatly appreciated and respected sacrifice for us. Amen.

Loving God, thank You for the promises in Your Word for Your children. I'm praying for my fallen soldier that I know is with You. Wipe away my tears, Loving God. Remind my heart that there are no more tears for my loved one because You have promised to dry each one. The tears my fallen warrior has cried have not been in vain because Your Word tells us that You have counted each one. I pray that as You wipe their tearsand my tearsaway my memories of them will be joyous and beautiful. Amen.

Compassionate Jesus, You know when Your children die. You are aware of the death of my fallen hero. You say there is a season for life and death, but this season is not easy for me. My loved one has now entered into eternal life with You. I am at a loss. It is hard to go on. I pray that Your loving arms will surround them and comfort them with Your presence. Comfort me, too, Jesus. Speak to me and assure me that my fallen warrior is happy, and I should be happy for them. Remind me I will one day be together with my beloved warrior again and with You. Amen.