Prayer For The Dead Orthodox

O Almighty God and our Father, fount of time and eternity, who by Thy power hast set a term of our life on earth, and through Thine only-begotten Son dost grant unto us, through resurrection, immortal life and a kingdom which cannot be moved, do Thou remember Thy servant N. who hath fallen asleep in the hope of resurrection unto life eternal, we beseech Thee, hear and have mercy.

O Father, holy and good, for as by the offence of one man, our forefather, sin entered into the world, and death by sin, so may we be inheritors of eternal life by the righteousness of Thine all-perfect Son, and do Thou give rest to the soul of Thy servant N. and preserve it unto the blessed life that is with Thee, we beseech Thee, hear and have mercy.

O Lord God, Father Almighty, in the name of Thy beloved Son, our hope, Who gave Himself for a ransom to death wherein we were held fast and continue so to this day, sold under sin: Do Thou loose the grievous shackles of our death, make us sons of resurrection, and receive into Thy rest, (where all Thy saints have found repose) the soul of Thy servant N. we beseech Thee, hear and have mercy.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal God, Who dost uphold all things by the power of Thy word, Who didst make Thyself of no reputation, and took upon Thee the form of a servant, wast crucified and descended into hell; Who opened the way of resurrection for all flesh slain by sin and in the bondage of corruption, give rest to the soul of Thy servant N. who hath set his hope in Thee, our Maker, the Author of our being, and our God, we beseech Thee, hear and have mercy.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Who in the days of Thy sojourn with us in the flesh, and Thy saving passion didst cry unto Thy Father: Holy Father, I will that they also, whom Thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which Thou hast given me: for Thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world: Mercifully now receive Thy servant N. who is come before Thee, and accept him as a partaker of Thine imperishable glory, we beseech Thee, hear and have mercy.

For Thou are the resurrection and the life and the repose of Thy departed servant N. O Christ our God; and unto Thee we ascribe glory, together with Thine eternal Father, and Thy most holy, good and life-giving Spirit; now, and forever: world without end. Amen.

O God of spirits and of all flesh, Who hast trampled down death and overthrown the Devil, and given life to Thy world, do Thou, the same Lord, give rest to the souls of Thy departed servants in a place of brightness, a place of refreshment, a place of repose, where all sickness, sighing, and sorrow have fled away. Pardon every transgression which they have committed, whether by word or deed or thought. For Thou art a good God and lovest mankind; because there is no man who lives yet does not sin, for Thou only art without sin, Thy righteousness is to all eternity, and Thy word is truth.

For Thou are the Resurrection, the Life, and the Repose of Thy servants who have fallen asleep, O Christ our God, and unto Thee we ascribe glory, together with Thy Father, who is from everlasting, and Thine all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever unto ages of ages. Amen.