Prayer For The Caregiver

God, we come to You with the fears of this world in prayer for Your protection. Each day holds unknown conclusions, and so we run to You, our all-knowing God. For the answers we do not have and the worry that threatens to consume our days, we ask Your provident hand of peace to stretch out over us. Remind us You are sovereign, that nothing happens out of Your control. For the tragedy we witness daily, and fear it will invade our own lives, provide an unexplainable calm and upholding of our faith. Help us to care well for those you have put us in charge of, Father, even in frightening times.

In Jesus' Name,

God, You are completely aware of what we need. Thank You for providing for us. We trust that in times of need You will uphold us, and in times of plenty show us how we can bless others in a season of lack. As caregivers, the future expense of providing care can be overwhelming. We pray for Your guidance in how we handle our finances, Father, and forgiveness for overspending and lack of preparation. May those who see us learn the importance of generosity by our example. You remind us not to be legalistic in our giving, but heartfelt. Search our hearts today, Father, and increase our trust in You to provide all that we need to live.

In Jesus' Name,


You are our healer. The greatest reflection of Your love was Jesus coming down from heaven, not only to be present among us, but sacrifice His life for us on the cross. Through His gift of grace, we are able to be healed beyond what is possible on this earth. Sometimes, in the depths of what we don't even realize is ailing, you reach in and make us whole again. We pray for healing in the depths of those we care for. May we find love and purpose far beyond this world, and bravely place our trust in You rather than cower in the all of things there are to be afraid of in this world. We pray for healing from ailments and sickness that we can see and feel now, and from the sin that is hidden in us. You know all, see all, and care for all in Your perfect love.

In Jesus' Name,

God, forgiveness does not come naturally to us. Especially as caregivers, we crave an easier path. But, Father, help us to foster a forward forgiveness in our families. Knowing we will all fall short and fail each other and You, help us to be quick to admit when we are wrong and apologize with sincerity and love. Our mistakes are a platform to grow closer to You, Father. Though it's hard to admit when we've made them, help us to bring them to You in humility. We want to model this love to those you've given us to watch over. You assure us we are always forgiven, and never loved less. We pray for that loving grace to permeate our family.

In Jesus' Name,

God, You are ever present and everywhere. Always watching, all-knowing, and listening. Even from the belly of a fish, Jonah prayed and You were faithful to hear him. We confess that so many times we stubbornly want our children to obey us, to the point of long-winded arguments and lectures. Our hearts are convicted to pray through those conversations, and to choose our words carefully. In the heat of the hard conversations we have as caretakers, let us utter prayers to You, and be faithful to pause and head Your direction. You faithfully hear us, defend us, and come to our aid. Let the guard over our mouths be set by Your boundaries, and all we speak to our children be rooted in Your love. When we utter unfair words, convict an obedience in us to seek their forgiveness. Let the lines of communication be open and honest in our home.

In Jesus' Name,

God, we ask you for patience today. We know there is more to this holy virtue than we are able to understand. The painful practice of patience is far from easy, but its product is good. No matter the strife and humbling we have to endure as caretakers on this earth, we pray today that all we do leads those we care for to You. Help us be alert to pride when it threatens to steal our peace and godly confidence, knowing You have equipped and purposed us perfectly to achieve great things for Your Kingdom.

Though we can't see the whole of Your plan for our lives, help us to patiently trust You, especially through painful seasons and hard-fought battles. Let our love reflect Yours, patience and steady.

In Jesus' Name, Amen

Creator God,
thank you for the sacredness of this ministry to be a caregiver. It is truly one of the most challenging and gratifying opportunities in my life. The days I want to return to a sense of normalcy are the days that my spirit needs to be fed. In the midst of caregiving, I turn to you to fill my soul with what is needed for the moment. Only you know the path that is marked out as I walk this journey with my loved one. Help me to trust you. May my caregiving be a blessing to the one I love and thank you for the blessing I have received as their caregiver. You are the source of all life and grace and I cannot do this alone.


Accompany them on their journey and ease their anxiety and fears. Surround them with the love and strength of others, so they may experience the healing presence of the communion of saints. We ask this through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes and in the name of your Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. AMEN.