Prayer For Test Day

Loving Heavenly Father,

I thank and praise You because You are the source of all wisdom and knowledge. Your word says that every good and perfect gift comes from above. Thank You for this gift of education which You have given to me.

Even now as I prepare to face the exams, I ask for Your divine mercy and grace to be on me. Your word says that the horse is prepared for the battle but the victory is from the Lord. Bless my efforts as I plan to study each portion. Please remove all the distractions from me and help me to concentrate well during my preparations.

Give me good health and strength. Take away all my weaknesses. Give me peace and to my family members too in all things.

Take away every fear from my heart and fill my heart with confidence as I put my trust in Your Name. You have promised that You will never leave me nor forsake me. Hold my hand when I write my exams; help me to understand each question and write all the relevant answers legibly; help me to complete the paper on time.

Let me find favour in the eyes of those who value my papers and help me to score very high marks more than what I expect. I know that You are a prayer answering God and Your love towards me is great. Thank you for hearing my prayers and crowning me with success and assuring me a hope and blessed future

In Jesus' name I pray.

Dear Father in Heaven,

You have always been my redeemer and saviour. I seek your guidance and protection on both of my children. It's not our smartness that we sailed so far. Its your never ending mercy on us only. Lord, I am here with a big problem. My children are not scoring marks in the exams. They are always in the verge of failing. They work hard while preparing for their exams. But in the examination they are not able to perform well. They are forgetting and their answer papers are almost blank or writing incorrect answers. Miraculously they are just passing with the last grade. So admission to next class is always a challenge. Please Lord help them both with enough wisdom and kindly show mercy on them and remove any curses and spells on them.Let them both be able to tackle the exams well that they get good marks in the school and university exams and be selected in the best firms for employment.

Kindly help my both children with enough wisdom to face the future. Thank you Lord for all the blessing in our life. In Jesus Name I pray.


Father, we commit our children into Your hands. As they prepare for their exams, we pray that the wisdom of God will come upon their lives. As they prepare for the upcoming exams, may they be able to focus and understand the work presented to them. On the day of the exams, You will bless them with wisdom to understand the questions and to apply what they have learned through out the paper. Most of all, we pray for Your peace to come upon them, and that they will learn to lean upon You, and to cast their worries into Your hands. Father, we pray let Your will be done in their lives. Amen!

Father, we commit our children into Your hands. As they prepare for their exams, we pray that the wisdom of God will come upon their lives. As they prepare for the upcoming exams, may they be able to focus and understand the work presented to them. On the day of the exams, You will bless them with wisdom to understand the questions and to apply what they have learned through out the paper. Most of all, we pray for Your peace to come upon them, and that they will learn to lean upon You, and to cast their worries into Your hands. Father, we pray let Your will be done in their lives. Amen!

Jesus, I commit Jadalyn into Your hands. Give her wisdom in her heart and strength to do what she needs. Help her to plan her time. There is a time for everything. Give her a disciplined focus so that she will be a good finisher for the things she needs to do. We believe in You, that as she does her best, You, oh God, will do the rest. You are in charge. We pray for favor, for understanding of questions and wisdom to answer accordingly. We ask for a sharp mind and confidence in You, and in herself. For You will strengthen her. By Your grace, we know she will get the desired outcome. Jesus, we give You thanks. We want to glorify You and honor You. We love You. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen!

Lord, thank you for all you do for me and those around me. I know I am fully blessed, but I come to you with something on my heart. Lord, today I am just really stressed. You know, Lord, that I am having some trouble with the test I am about to take. I know it's probably not the biggest problem in the world, with people starving, people turning away from you, people in wars, and more. But, Lord, it's what I'm facing right now, and I need you in this time. I know that no problem is too big or too small for you to handle, and I need to turn this stress over to you to help me with.

Lord, I just need to be able to focus. I need your help to look at this information so I can remember and apply it well on my exam. I need you to help me feel more confident going into the test and relax a bit so I can concentrate. Lord, please help the people around me to understand that I need to focus and study. Lord, I ask that you guide me toward the right places to look and the right places to focus. There is so much information in front of me, and I know I have notes, but help me read them in a way that makes sense. Help me see the information clearly because it will help me pass.

Also, Lord, help me when I walk into the exam. Let there be a peace that flows over me. Lord, please let me walk in that room knowing that I did my best to prepare. Let me know that I have given it my best. Give me the peace, when it is all said and done, to know that I walked in and did my best. I pray, Lord, for your guiding hand as I take the exam, and I ask for your welcome calm when I walk out of the classroom after.

Lord, I also ask that you guide my teacher's hand when grading the test. Let her see my answers for what they were. Let her understand I did my best, but most of all, be yourself. It's hard to feel comfortable when you don't know what's coming on the test. Let her see I did my best to explain my answers.

Lord, thank you for all the blessings you have placed in my life. Thank you for being here in this time when I feel a bit overwhelmed. Thank you for always being there and allowing me to rely on you. Praise your name. Amen.

God of Wisdom,
I thank you for the knowledge gained
and the learning experiences of the semester.
I come to you and ask you to illuminate my heart and mind.

Let your Holy Spirit be with me as I prepare for exams,
guiding my studies and giving me insight
so that I can perform to the best of my ability.

Grant me the strength to handle the pressure of these days,
the confidence to feel secure in my knowledge,
and the ability to keep a proper perspective through it all.

Help me to keep in mind what is truly important,
even as I focus my time and energy on these exams.

Finally, may I sense your peace
in knowing that I applied myself to the challenges of this day.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.


O holy Joseph of Cupertino, who loves to bestow your favors upon all in need of your assistance, I implore your help with my studies and upcoming examinations. Despite my hard work and good will, I am anxious about these tests, and how I will perform. Remember, Saint Joseph, that you too endured a similar difficulty and that through obedience and the powerful protection of your spiritual father, you were providentially helped toward your calling and vocation.
Remember that you found yourself in the same difficulty and that through obedience and the powerful protection of your spiritual father you came out providentially well.
I beg your assistance now; help me to be confident in my testing, and prompt and alert in all of my answers. I ask your prayers for my intention, in the name of Jesus, and also with a special supplication to Mary and Saint Francis, your Holy Father.
O patron saint of academic examinations, I am convinced that my hope in your prayerful assistance will not be disappointed. Amen