Prayer For Surgeons Hands

Lord, my Rock and Redeemer, thank you that you have plans for me that are for my good and your glory. You have promised that you are able to bless me abundantly, so that in all things at all times, you will supply everything I need. Let me be held in your capable hands as I undergo surgery. You are the God of peace, the great shepherd of the sheep. May you equip me with everything good so that I may do your will. Work in me, that I may be pleasing in your sight. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

O Lord, my God, thank you that you know me and you love me. Your word says that I do not need to be anxious about anything, but in every situation, I should present my requests to God. Please remove my anxiety about my upcoming surgery. Fill my mind with peace as I present my request for a successful operation to you and as I approach the operation date. Hear my prayer, protect me from harm, and restore me to full health. You are the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God. To you be honor and glory forever and ever. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Faithful Father, thank you that you hear and answer my prayers. The Bible says that, to those who ask, it will be given, to those who seek, it will be found and to those who knock, the door will be opened. Hear my prayer for a successful surgery. Give me assurance that I will be healed. May Christ dwell in my heart through faith so that I, being rooted and grounded in love, may have the strength to know the love of Christ that surpasses all knowledge. May I be filled with all the fullness of God. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Father, You know our heart. You understand how we feel before we or others are going into surgery. Help these patients have trust in You and have the peace that only You can give them. There is often so much fear before surgery and so much uncertainty in what to expect about whether the surgery will be successful or not. Take away that fear oh Lord and give them a calm reassurance where they can have peace before going into surgery and to trust You in all things, knowing that You already know the future and have determined the outcome before it happens. These times of fear can be hard for the patient and the family, so give them Your peace, which surpasses all of our human understanding, and even in our worries, let Your hand be upon them to uphold them before and during the surgery, and let them know that even though all they can do is pray, that the most they can do is pray, and it is in You that we trust, and in the King of kings and Lord of lord's name I pray, Jesus Christ, amen.

Father God, we know that our nation has some of the best medical care in the world and we often take them for granted. They are often on-call and in demand, and sometimes they may have to work with little time between surgeries, and that we are thankful for these men and women and that we express our gratitude to them in person. We should honor those who are in such positions because their often decade-long education and years of experience are invaluable, and it is even more important when they're operating on one of our own beloved family members or friends. Help us to exhibit our thankfulness and gratitude to them for what they do, but also for You as You have given us the technology that is among the best available in the world, so help me to give them the credit for their skill and hard work that they deserve, and to be thankful to You God, but also to all who are involved in the surgery and to not take any of them for grantedand it is in the name above all names that I pray for this and for the glory of Your Son, Jesus Christ, amen.

No surgeon works alone, as You know Father, so help the medical staff, anesthesiologists, aftercare staff, and all who are involved in the surgery to be a valuable aid to the surgeons to help them do their job properly and to help them do exactly what they are supposed to do, and even to plan for unexpected circumstances that sometimes arise. Give them the wisdom to help deal with these things that they did not expect. So much can go wrong in surgery Father, so help the staff be able to perform their duties to the best of their abilities in order to bring about the best possible results for the longest possible time. I thank You God, for these men and women who have so much responsibility and I value the significant importance of their part in the overall surgical process. This is my prayer and as always, I pray for the glory of God, and in particular in the name of the Great Physician, Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.

Great God, having already prayed for the surgeons, I ask You to give the comfort that the family members need in trusting the physicians, but ultimately, to trust You in all things, because You are sovereign and nothing happens that You have not ordained to be so. It is very difficult to wait for hours upon hours in the waiting room, so help them to cope with these hours of uncertainty and to help them have the patience to wait for the surgery to end and not be filled with anxiety. Even after the surgery, give these families the strength to carry on while their family member recuperates and gains strength while speeding their healing in the process. Help others come alongside these family members so that they might give them comfort and encouragement in these times of uncertainty, and to know that there are others who care very deeply about their family member, and so I pray for these families that God will be with them and their faith in You will remain strong, and I pray this in the strong name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Father God, I ask You to guide the hands of the surgeons and give them the skill and knowledge to do exactly what they need to do, and to avoid further complications when unseen circumstances arise so that they might make wise decisions that could avoid serious implications and that You would steady their hands and give them clear vision with which to perform their operational duties. I know that there is no surgery that is truly minor because every surgery carries with it risks for the patient. I also ask you to help them give the postoperative advice to the patient's that is clear, concise, and easy to understand so that the patient will be able to easily follow what the doctors instruct them to do. I also thank God for these skilled men and women who often are under great pressure to do what they must do and often in a short amount of time, so give them the ability to do what You have called them to do, and as always, I ask for these things in the name of and for the glory of the great Son of God, Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray, amen.