Prayer For Successful Adoption

Lord, bind this family together in love for You and for each other. Heal trauma and bind up the brokenhearted. Allow love for you and for each other to cover a multitude of sins. Give them opportunities to have fun as a family.

Lord, what you have knit together in this couple, let nothing separate. May you fill each with love and grace toward their spouse. May they be rooted in you and committed to one another. Multiply their time and energy to allow for margin for one another.

Please hear the prayers in my heart. I need to be healed. I have always dreamed of being a mom but was never given that gift. Now after so many years of pain I am being given the opportunity to adopt a little waiting girl in China. I will love this child as my own if not more. I will teach this child about our Lord Jesus Christ and Savior. She will know she is a blessing everyday of her life and will be taught to have her heart opened up to the Lord.

I need to be healed please heal me and I will give my daughter the family she dreams of and will no longer be alone. Dear Lord God please heal me and let me pass my physical. I want to be the person you intended me to be when you created me and will work hard to please you. Please I ask of you let this be the path I now walk down. Amen
Mary, Mother of God, all you Angels and Saints please hear the prayers and come to my aid and ask this for me for our Father.

Please heal me and allow me to be healthy and pass my physical. Thank you with Love in my heart. Amen

God, you do love adoption. You've adopted us into your family, giving us all rights and privileges of family. We are heirs and co-heirs with Jesus of all your treasures. We pray today for those seeking to adopt a child. Many children in the world do not have mothers and fathers. Many men and women do not have children. God, bring them together. Create the perfect match. Provide resources. Provide perfect timing. Give endurance and emotional strength through the grinding details. Give wisdom for them to anticipate ahead how to prepare practically for the coming change. Strengthen their marriage ahead of this coming gift. Heal any past disappointment. Parental love is nature. Adoptive parental love has to be SUPERnatural. Give a miracle of love and bonding. May nothing stand in the way of you accomplishing a completion of this match child to parent. In Jesus!

Dear God our Father,

Please help all parents in their role as a mother or father.

Make them an instrument of your peace and love.

Inspire all parents to provide the best example for their children in their words, actions, and temperament.

Encourage all adoptive families to discuss their unique story, and to always stress the love that brought them together.

Help adoptive parents to be merciful and loving in their thoughts and actions when it comes to a child's birthparents.

Remind adoptive parents that You, Our Eternal Father, love all of us in a way that we could never fully appreciate, and we should strive to imitate that great love.

Generously give adoptive parents the wisdom to provide and care for their children in every situation.

Loving Jesus,

Direct parents' speech to be loving and helpful;

Guide all parents' actions to meet the needs of their individual children;


Give parents the patience they need to build strong, loving, and faithful children.
