Prayer For Strength During Divorce

Lord of Mercy and Love, tomorrow is uncertain. My heart longs for joy, but the pain is overwhelming. Please bring bliss tomorrow, something refreshing for the soul. Please bring smiles and fun to my children. Please bring hope and dreams for our family. Please bring comfort to our tired hearts. I pray desperately that my children heal through You and that they see Your wonderful presence and hope in every new day. In Your glorious name, I pray this fervently, Amen.

Jesus, my Savior, I call to You in a time of despair and doubt. However, I know my feelings are temporary, for Your love is everlasting. Please renew this home. Renew our hearts to love and cleanse the ache that seeps from yesterday's pain. Please surround this home with good health and good blessings, so we feel restored in Your glory. May my children and I breathe new life and begin our glorious future with You by our sides. Amen.

God of Light, Your love surrounds me. Even in the darkest moments, I feel Your devotion. Please renew my heart, so it is open to receive and give love. Help me love the way Your only Son, Jesus, did. May I love the people, blessings, and opportunities in my life. May I love my children so deeply that they feel whole. May I teach them the love of You. I ask this in Your glorious and good name, Amen.

Sovereign Lord, please bring my children and I together. Weave our broken hearts into one, so we can heal, grow, and praise You as a faithful family, united in Christ. Assist us in the brokenness and help us rely on each other for tomorrow. May our family grow from this hardship. May light seep into this home. We ask this in Your glorious and faithful name, Amen.

Heavenly Father, Your timing is magnificent. I have faith in Your plan and Your love for me. Even in times of pain, I know You are good, and Your destiny is almighty. I know You will not abandon my children or me. With every waking moment, and with every painful reminder, please set my eyes on Your surprisingly wonderful timeline. May my children see me praise Your plans and unexpected blessings. In Your almighty name, Amen.

Jesus, my Savior, I need Your grace. I seek You with a tired heart, one that has endured heavy hardship and regret. Hold me close, Lord, and strip me from this agony. Forgive me fully for the pain I've caused my children to walk through. Forgive me for placing my heart's needs above my children's needs. Cleanse me with Your love, and sing to my heart that I am forgiven, and I am welcomed and allowed to feel the pain as it comes. I ask this in Your graceful name. Amen.

Compassionate Father, please grant me hope in this troubled time. Open my eyes to Your blessings, and the children You have given to me. For through them, I find joy and brilliance in this life. Open my heart to the depth of their goodness, their love, and their purity. I pray that my children and I can build a future of loyalty, togetherness, and hope. May our future days be filled with sunshine and Your love. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

My Loving God, I'm beginning a new season of life. I am balancing the hurt of yesterday and the hope of tomorrow. Please heavenly Father, above all, open my heart as a parent. May my children see me as playful, loving, and faithful. May they see God through my loving actions. I pray that I show my children how hurt can deliver strength to the soul, and how glorious and restoring You are. Please comfort me as a parent. In Your name, Amen.