Prayer For Strength And Courage In Difficult Times

Jesus, my Savior, You are my firm foundation and my rock. You will never leave nor will You forsake me. I always seek shelter in You and I find my strength in the shadow of Your wings. You are all-powerful and mighty. I will praise You all of my days. Because of Your Spirit within me and Your promises to be with me, again and again, I find new strength. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

O God, my Strength, You are faithful. You abound in steadfast love to me. And I know, that Your love endures forever. Help me to trust You. Help me to rely on You as my source of strength. Lord, it is so easy for me to falter in my faith and let other things weaken my dependence on You. Enable me to resist those thoughts and know that You are the one who gives me true strength. In Jesus' mighty name. Amen.

Lord I ask for your guidance and strength through this tough time in my life. I put all my faith in you because you are the only one who can help me during times like these.

I ask that you continue to watch over me and my children and continue to guide us in the right path. Thank you Lord for all that you do for me and my loved ones. I am truly blessed. Amen

Lord of Power, You are my comfort, You are my shield, and You are my hope. In light of these events which have drained me and left me distraught I cling to You. Lord, I need You and You alone to give me strength. Let me not drown in my emotions but to hold on to the hope You give me in Jesus. Whatever comes my way, it pales in comparison to the coming glory of Christ, and in that, I hope. Thank You that true strength is found in Your name. Amen.

Father in Heaven, You have purchased me with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. I am Yours. I am faced with a complicated situation that seems beyond me. I have no clue how to act. Lord, help me to take one step at a time and seek to make the right choices. While I may not get everything right, help me to have a clear conscience in each decision that I make. Guide me in Your wisdom in Jesus' name. Amen.

God, my Fortress, what a joy it is to have a friend in Jesus. Even when I am overcome by feelings of abandonment, You are there with me. I know that I am never truly alone. Fill me with Your love and direct me in the way I am to love others. Change my priorities away from needing approval from other people to instead having comfort in knowing that I am accepted by You. Thank You, Father. Amen.

God of Heaven's Armies, my Father, You are near to me. Even in the valley overshadowed with the threatening specter of death, You are beside me giving me my every breath. In this season of strife and shadow, I need Your power. Father, strengthen me by Your Spirit. Grant me the fortitude to withstand the slings of the enemy. I ask this in the name of Your Son, who, when He was facing the cross, did not falter in His resolve. Amen.

Almighty Lord, your power and might are great. You showed your faithfulness to your people time and again. Help me to remember you are faithful to me, too. Though the battles seem like mine to fight, I am claiming your promises over the trials in my life. These battles are yours, Lord, and I'm handing them to you. I trust that when I step out and take up my position, you will go before me and win the battle. Fill me your strength and courage to face the difficult times ahead. I will not be discouraged or afraid. I will trust in you. Amen.