Prayer For Strength Against Enemies

Praise be onto you! We seek after Your Glory, forsaking everything that may hinder our walk with you. Give us the strength and wisdom to do your will, and to manifest your Glory to the lost of this wretch world.

May the peace you fill us with, overflow and bless others, such that they would yearn to come to a full understanding of you! In Jesus' mighty and all-powerful name we pray Amen!

Father in Heaven, tomorrow I must go to the doctor to get some test results. Father you know the outcome before it happens and you are in control of all things. I pray, if it is your will, those results will come back negative and I will receive a clean bill of health. Please protect my health, so I can continue here on Earth. I say this prayer in the name of my King of Kings, Jesus Christ. Amen.

My Father, My God and My Lord. A storm approaches, we have been told and warned of it, but still we are unprepared. Please protect us and protect our friends and neighbours and anyone in the path of the storm. Father you can calm any storm with but a word, and if it is your will I ask that you do so, but if we find ourselves in the middle of the storm, I know you will be with us always. May your name be glorified in all things. I love you and thank you. Amen.

Heavenly Father, please give protection to my Christian brother and sister as they make a long road journey this week. Help them arrive safely at their destination and protect the other drivers along the way. Lord, they have much work to do here, building your Kingdom. Please bring them home safe and sound, in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father I pray that You would protect me and my family from all the evils and from those that would seek to harm us. Uphold us and keep us safe from all the evils that encircle our lives. Put Your hedge of protection and safety around us we pray, and place a guard at our doors and protects us from all that pass by our gate. And Father, keep our hearts from fear but rather fill us to overflowing with Your peace that passes all understanding. Thank You that You are indeed our refuge and strength. You are that ever present Help in time of trouble. In Your strength we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the middle of the sea. Stay with us wherever we go. In Jesus name, Amen.

God, hear my voice. Lord, listen to my prayer.
Save me from my enemies and their evil ways.
Help me to recognize their bad intentions.
Do not let the false and hurting words of them touch me.
Protect me from devastating enemies actions.
Please dont let evil to destroy and triumph over my life.
God, I can rely only on you this hard hour and only you can save me.
I believe and trust you, please listen to my prayer. Amen.

Dear God,

We thank you for the Power of your Word and your Presence over our lives. We thank you that no weapon formed against us will prosper, for greater are You who is in us, than he who is in the world. We pray that you will cast down every threat and accusation, every abusive word and cruel attack hurled our way. We praise you that nothing is impossible with you, that You are loving and gracious, full of mercy and might. We trust in you alone, to rise up strong on our behalf. Thank you that you are our Defender and Strong Tower, our Refuge and our Strength. Thank you that you fight for us today, and in our weakness, you make us strong.

In the Powerful Name of Jesus,


Lord I come to you weakend by the attacks, I beg for strength,guidance and forgiveness.I pray that you give me a calm heart & mind. Though the enemy strikes at me , I know that you will be by my side thru the battle. I pray with all my heart & soul through the trials before me that your light will shine upon me ,granting me favor before those that would destroy me. May your light shine through every molecule in this body , like a holy beacon . Blinding and casting down those that would hurt and destroy your servent. May this prayer Lord Jesus be heard around this world and throughout the universe for a millenium , rendering the enemy useless. Let their words be seen as lies ,like shaff and ashes dried up and blown away in the wind . And washed away by your blessed holy waters , for this I pray in Jesus name .. Amen