Prayer For St Anthony De Padua

O God, good and merciful Father, you who chose Anthony as a witness of the Gospel and messenger of peace in the midst of your people, hear the prayer we address to you through his intercession.

Dear Saint Anthony, bless and protect my family; keep it united in love, sustain it in its everyday needs, and keep it safe from evil.

O purest St. Anthony, who through your angelic virtue was made worthy to be caressed by the Divine Child Jesus, to hold him in your arms and press him to your heart. I entreat you to cast a benevolent glance upon me. O glorious St. Anthony, born under the protection of Mary Immaculate, on the Feast of her Assumption into Heaven, and consecrated to her and now so powerful an intercessor in Heaven, I beseech you to obtain for me the favor I ask in this novena (State your intention). O great wonder-worker, intercede for me that God may grant my request.

One Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory Be to the Father, in honor of Saint Anthony.

Saint Anthony, pray for us

O miracle-working St. Anthony, remember that it never has been heard that you left without help or relief anyone who in his need had recourse to you. Animated now with the most lively confidence, even with full conviction of not being refused, I fly for refuge to thee, O most favored friend of the Infant Jesus. O eloquent preacher of the divine mercy, despise not my supplications but, bringing them before the throne of God, strengthen them by your intercession and obtain for me the favor I seek in this novena (State your intention) .

One Our Father, one Hail Mary, and Glory Be to the Father, in honor of Saint Anthony.

Saint Anthony, pray for us!

Dearest St. Anthony, Like you I have always had the deepest compassion in my heart for anyone suffering or in distress even the smallest creature of Gods'. I ask you now to return the compassion Ive shown and take this horrible burden from my life. Even if it requires a miracle, even so, you are the Saint of miracles. I trust in you and Jesus my Lord that my prayer will be finally answered. Thank you

Blessed St. Anthony Thank you for hearing my prayers and for guiding me in the right direction to alleviate my fears and anxieties. I am reminded to always have faith and trust in the Lord's plan because of your example. It is difficult at times but I will always turn to you as my intercessor.

O purest St. Anthony, who through your angelic virtue was made worthy to be caressed by the Divine Child Jesus, to hold him in your arms and press him to your heart. I entreat you to cast a benevolent glance upon me. O glorious St. Anthony, born under the protection of Mary Immaculate, on the Feast of her Assumption into Heaven, and consecrated to her and now so powerful an intercessor in Heaven, I beseech you to obtain for me the favor I ask in this novena (state your intention). O great wonder-worker, intercede for me that God may grant my request.

O miracle-working St. Anthony, remember that it never has been heard that you left without help or relief anyone who in his need had recourse to you. Animated now with the most lively confidence, even with full conviction of not being refused, I fly for refuge to thee, O most favored friend of the Infant Jesus. O eloquent preacher of the divine mercy, despise not my supplications but, bringing them before the throne of God, strengthen them by your intercession and obtain for me the favor I seek in this novena.