Prayer For Son On Drugs

Heavenly Father, I'm going through the most challenging time as a parent. My son has become a drug addict, and he does not care about his life anymore. He no longer wants me to advise him, and every attempt to get through to him is being met with outbursts of anger and rage. Lord, come to my rescue. Give me the peace that surpasses all understanding during this trying time. Help me to find the right people that will be able to help my son to deal with his addiction. Lord, I'm resting in you because I know all things are possible with you. In Jesus's name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Gracious Father, I stand boldly before your throne of grace in time of need and mercy. My son has become a shadow of his former self because of drug addiction. Lord, have mercy upon his life. May the blood of your Son, Jesus, cleanse his body and flush out every drug he has been using. Uproot every thought of drug addiction and the pleasure that it brings to him from his mind with the blood of Jesus. Protect his body and mind from the effects of drugs and help him to live a drug-free life for the rest of his life. In Jesus's name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Lord Jesus, you were wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. It is because of that great sacrifice that we have been set free from all our sins. Help my son to know that he has been set free from drug addiction. Touch his heart that he may be willing to accept the help that he's being offered. Father, we know that he cannot do this alone, be there with him every step of the way and give him divine strength to endure every challenge and temptation. In Jesus's name, we believe and pray, Amen.

Lord God, you are the great I am. Nothing is impossible with you. I am in your presence to ask for your divine help in regards to my son's drug addiction. We have tried everything we can as his parents, but all our good intentions are not working because he thinks that we are against him. We know that the enemy is behind this, and he is keen on destroying our child. Father, save our son and our family from the attacks of the enemy. Uproot that desire of drugs from his heart and fill the void with your love and grace. In Jesus's name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Lord Jesus, what started as fun for my son has turned into an addiction. He has tried everything to stop using drugs, but nothing is working. Lord, you came to proclaim freedom for the captives and to release prisoners from darkness, my son is desperate to stop being an addict. O Jesus, please remove my son from darkness, and proclaim freedom over his life. May he start living in the freedom that is found in your Son, Jesus. Thank you for answering my prayers. Amen.

Almighty God, my son, is so ashamed of himself for becoming a drug addict. He has a deep desire to stop using drugs, but he keeps going back to his addiction. Father God, help him. Holy Spirit, remind him that he's no longer under condemnation because Jesus has paid for his addiction at the cross. When the enemy reminds him of his failure, tell him of your love towards him. In Jesus's name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Father God, my son has been going through a lot lately, and sadly he turned to drugs as a way of escape. Lord, help him to know that Jesus is the only way to escape from the things of this world. Deal with his heart, Father, and remove the evil desire of drug use from his heart. Let your mercies be new every morning upon his life as he deals with this challenging situation. In Jesus's name, I believe and pray. Amen

Dear Father in Heaven,

I come to you today to thank you for the blessing of my son. I love him so very much, and it's through my pain and inability to conquer his addiction that I lay myself at your feet.

Please forgive me for not recognizing or seeing the signs of his drug problem beginning.

Forgive me for the guilt that has enveloped me.

I can't help but feel that I have failed as a parent in some way.

Lord, only you know my son's heart and the reason behind his addiction.

I pray for a heavy conviction upon his heart. Give him eyes to fully see his situation and the will to overcome.

Please don't let the evil one have victory over his physical body nor his mind.

Please help each of my family members to find the strength to support my son in prayer while encouraging him with uplifting words.

Help each of us to fully love him and forgive us when we give way to blame, fear, worry, and anger.

We know these things are not Godly.

Fill us with love, compassion, forgiveness, and most of all, faith in your miraculous healing.

Your timing is perfect, and we trust in your plan for our son.

Help us to have patience in that timing and to know that even though we are in the middle of a mess, you are here with us.

Father, I pray that you protect every part of my son's body and mind. Please wash through his entire body with your cleansing power and flush the drugs out.

Cleanse his mind of any desire to feed his addiction and pull him up, and out of this darkness, he is in. Help him to feel your firm hand wrapped around his.

I pray that you will prevent him from succumbing to remorse, anger, and blame. Equip his heart to trust you.

As the addiction releases its control over him, please send your Spirit to strengthen him.

Guide us, Lord, as we travel this unknown path that is before us. You are in control, Lord, and we trust you. I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.