Prayer For Son Going To Court

Father, in the name of Jesus, it is written in Your Word to call on You, and You will answer me and show me great and mighty things. I put You in remembrance of Your Word and thank You that You watch over it to perform it.

I say that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and any tongue that rises against me in judgment I shall show to be in the wrong. This peace, righteousness, security, and triumph over opposition is my inheritance as Your child. This is the righteousness or vindication I obtain from You, Father, which You impart to me as my justification. I am far from even the thought of destruction; for I shall not fear, and terror shall not come near me.

Father, You say You will establish me to the endkeep me steadfast, give me strength, and guarantee my vindication; that is, be my warrant against all accusation or indictment. Father, You contend with those who contend with me, and You perfect that which concerns me. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and this secret place hides me from the strife of tongues, for a false witness who breathes out lies is an abomination to You.

I am a true witness, and all my words are (upright and in right standing with You), Father. My long forbearing and calmness of spirit persuade the judge, and my soft speech breaks down the most bone-like resistance. Therefore, I am not anxious [beforehand] how I shall reply in defense or what I am to say, for the Holy Spirit will teach me in that very hour and moment what [I] ought to say to those in the outside world. My speech is seasoned with salt.

As a child of the light, I enforce the triumphant victory of my Lord Jesus Christ in this situation, knowing that all of heaven is backing me. I am strong in You, Lord, and in the power of Your might. Thank You for the shield of faith that quenches every fiery dart of the enemy. I am increasing in wisdom and in stature and in years, and in favor with You, Father, and with man. Praise the Lord! Amen.

Dear Father, Our hearts cry out for justice, for fairness, for equality, for restoration. Come, come into this courtroom with us. Come Holy Spirit presence yourself amongst us and within us as we seek to be understood. Reveal the truth, throw light on the darkest places to bring justice. Protect us from the lies of the enemy that seek to pull us down and guard our hearts from anything that creates fear in our lives. Lord, we stand on holy ground. Thank you that we are adopted into your family. Thank you that no matter what happens we are secure and safe within your love and grace. So we go boldly into this court hearing knowing you are with us, and will lead us through this time with your hand in ours. Amen.

Father, we lay before you our anxieties and concerns about this court case. You know our journey to this place, the struggles, the heartache and the difficulties. Please cover every aspect of the hearing, from the judgement of the judge and jury, to the details revealed in this session. Holy Spirit please presence yourself with us as we testify. Come calm our troubled hearts and minds with your eternal peace and help us to remember that your hand is upon us. Thank you that you will lead us through this hard time into a new season of hope and rest. We pray all this in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ our Lord and King. Amen.

Loving heavenly Father, thank You that You are a God of justice and the Lord of righteousness and that You are also the source of all truth and the well-spring of all wisdom. We lift up today all those that are involved in court cases, whether it is the one who is being accused or those that are involved in the execution of fairness and justice.

We pray that You would lead and guide all those that are involved in the corridors of justice and provide them with the integrity to officiate without bias and bigotry.. and the wisdom and grace to discern the truth and to act upon it, without fear or favor.

We pray for those that are having to appear in the witness stand and ask that You would bring to their mind the unembellished truth and that their testimony is not tainted from their own developed prejudices.

We do lift up those that are in the position of being brought to court to defend their own innocence or to confess their actual guilt, and we pray that all judicial proceedings would be carried out with a fair hearing and an impartial verdict. This we ask in Jesus name,


Father, I find myself to be in the midst of a legal court battle and I ask for Your grace and favor in this matter. Be with me I pray and vindicate my name oh Lord - and may the truth prevail.

I ask that any false claims will be dropped and that there will be no compromise or falsity from the mouths of unreliable witnesses. I pray that those that would seek my downfall will fall into the trap that they are trying to set for me and that I will be declared innocent.. and fully vindicated from any false claims or accusations.

Keep my heart from fearful thoughts, and take away any distress I am feeling due to this unfortunate court matter. Have mercy on my situation and hear my prayer oh Lord. You are the Hope of the hopeless, the Helper of the helpless and the Sustainer of those that are oppressed and weary.

Help me to place my entire trust in You.. for You are my Defence and my Defender my Protection and my Protector and I look to You to vindicate me in this court matter. Thank You that in Christ I have a heavenly Advocate and that no weapon formed against me will prosper for You have promised and it is in You that I place my trust,


Heavenly Father, You know all about this court case that is coming up, and we come toYouto pray for a resounding victory in this hearing. I pray that both judge and jury would deal honestly and with integrity and that the truth will prevail.

Lord, I ask that all the witnesses would be enabled to give clear and correct evidence and that You would undertake to be a shield against those that would seek to distort the truth or withhold information that might prove vital and necessary.

I pray that You would remove all anxiety from the hearts of all those who are attending this hearing and that soon we will be rejoicing at the victorious outcome for this court case. We pray for a full and final victory and we will give You all the praise and glory - in Jesus name we pray,


Loving Lord, I ask for Your grace and mercy as I prepare to face the verdict of this court case and I ask that in Your loving kindness and great goodness, all the accusations against me would finally be dropped and permanently dismissed.

Lord, only You know the trouble and distress that this has caused me and my heart is anxious and fearful .. for I know how fickle people can be but Lord I am trusting Your amazing grace and perfect timing, and I pray that You would go before me to have this court case dropped completely and fully dismissed, and I will give You all the praise and glory.

I pray that You would go before me and fight for my cause and I ask that I will not be put to shame. Thank You that Your ears are ever open to the cries of Your children and thank You that You have promised to be my Defence and my Defender thank You that Your arm is quick to rescue all those that are trusting in You - and thank You in Jesus name


Lord, we come before You as we prepare ourselves as we go into court today, and thank You that You are with us every moment of the day and have promised to uphold us with Your righteous right hand. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on You and pray that true justice will be carried out, to Your praise and glory.

Lord, You know the reason for this court hearing and we pray that You will oversee the whole procedure, and ask that in Your grace that true justice may be carried out, with impartiality. Thank You for Your precious promise.. that before we even call out - You will answer and show great and mighty things, and we trust YouLord, to undertake throughout this whole court procedure.

Thank You that Jesus is my heavenly Advocate and I trust that inthis this matterwe will soon be fully exoneratedand totallyvindicated,and that there will be no slur on anyone's character or intentions.

Still our hearts and quiet our minds we pray as we prepare to enter the court-room. And we ask that Your perfect peace, which passes human comprehension will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord and that in Your grace we may have clarity of thought, tranquility of minds, wisdom in the answers we give, Your sufficient grace throughout the ordeal and an outcome that glorifies Your name this we ask in Jesus name,
