Prayer For Someone Who Had A Stroke

Dear God this thirteenth day of Lent I am here to ask for Your intervention in every aspect of our life. We need Your Holy Spirit to enter us Father inorder that we may meet all the needs posted here and everywhere in this world. Please Guide and Protect us Father as only You can do. In Jesus Holy Name I Pray.

Father bring healing to this child of Yours. May he be restored to health and continue to be a pastor. Strengthen Pastor Mehu and his family in faith and peace. May You receive much glory in this and in everything always. In Jesus' Name, amen.

Heavenly Father, hear the pleas of Your Children. Come to Your Child this day, restoring his health and his life. Bring strength to the weary heart. Lord God, fill him beyond measure with Your Peace, let him stand firm knowing that You O Lord are with him.
In the Mighty name of Jesus Christ i pray, Amen

Dear Our father which is in heaven, how though be thy name, thy kingdom come and thy will be done. Our father we come to you today, to ask for your help. We ask you to go the hospital and help pastor Mehu. Only you know his pain and trauma that he is feeliing. Only you know what is in his mind. We ask you to go to him and help. In return so he can continue to glorify your name, exalt your greatness. Lord please help us in this time of sadness. HE HAD 2 STROKES BUT BECAUSE YOUr kindness and love he is still here. Please lord, e ask for your help, 'cause only you can really do anything.Thank you,in the name of our father, Jesus Christ amen.

Dear Father in Heaven,

Please bless my friend with speedy recovery from his major stroke.
Give him your strength and healing, that he can quickly get up and walk.
Bless his family so that they have the strength and wisdom to tide through these most difficult times.
Bless us who are around him with the strength to support him during these times of need.

All these I pray in the name of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ,

Have mercy, O loving God,
upon all who have suffered a stroke.
Remove the sudden fear that befalls them.
Endow them with courage in the struggle
to recover what has been lost.
Grant them strength and hope
to envision new days ahead
and a spirit of faith
to take the risk of living fully
once again.

Have mercy, O loving God,
upon all who have suffered a stroke.
Remove the sudden fear that befalls them.
Endow them with courage in the struggle
to recover what has been lost.
Grant them strength and hope
to envision new days ahead
and a spirit of faith
to take the risk of living fully
once again.

Father in Heaven, you are the giver of life and the great physician.

You know our needs and wants. Please heal my earthly father. We know that his brain has been damaged by stroke, we know that without your hand on him that he will never be the same. At the same time we also know that you can make him whole again, you can repair damaged brain tissue, you can enable him to continue to serve you on this Earth.

Lord, hear my petition. Be with my mother and all of my family as we experience this storm in our lives. I don't always understand your plan for us, but I do trust that you work all things for the good. I only ask that it be your will to bring Dad back to us. But if it is not so, please bring us peace and acceptance of your will.

I ask these things in the name of your Son and my Savior, Jesus Christ. All glory and honor belongs to you.