Prayer For Soldiers Overseas

O Lord,

There are many of our troops who don't know You. Father, I pray that You would provide men and women of faith to share the Good News to our troops who have not made Jesus their Savior and Lord. The lost will stay lost until they are found. Father, may they find You today! Draw them to You! I love You! Amen

Father in Heaven,
I pray for our troops who are in intense encounters right now. Some of them are under fire and they need You now more than ever to come out safely. Father, guide every step and decision they make in these crucial situations. Give them the knowledge of when to move and when to stay still. Give them the power to overcome the enemy and remain safe. Lord, fight alongside our troops. Father, I pray that You would incapacitate the enemy to the point that they can't even stand. Make them drop. Please, stop the plans of the enemy that wants to hurt our troops. We put our trust in You in these extreme encounters. We love you! Amen

Father, God
Some of our troops have experienced injuries from all sides: minor to critical. Lord, You are the Great Physician! Heal the wounds that our brave men and women have encountered while protecting us. Lord, if You have allowed them injury so that they turn to You, I pray that they will cry out to You. Father, be with the families of those who are in critical condition. The desperation and fear can be so intense. Please, Lord, give them peace and heal their loved ones. I thank you for these brave men and women! I love You! Amen

I just want to thank You for the brave men and women who put their lives on the line daily for our nation! They are living out what it means to serve. By protecting us they are putting us before themselves and I am so thankful for them all. They are a blessing to this nation and I pray that You will watch over them and bless them 10 fold! Thank You for our troops, Father! Without men and women of courage we would not be the country we are today! I hold them in high esteem and I am grateful for each and every single one of them! Thank You for the men and women in our armed forces, Lord! Be with all of them and their families today! I love you! Amen

Abba Father as I come in agreement with these prayer's to You, I'd like to add my prayer as well Daddy I lift every Soldier in all walks of life to Your loving care I ask You for every bad challenge they may face, that You bind, disarm, and fail every attack the enemy means to destroy them, and turn it into a blessing sure to show the evidence of Your great power, glorifing You, Daddy God I ask that You direct, protect, and strengthen every man and woman in all walks of life, who bravely hold FREEDOMS BANNER And if they fall ill Lord God, I ask that You touch, heal, and deliver them I ask and pray, in the name of King Jesus, Amen

Lord, I ask for courage.
Courage to face and conquer my own fears.
Courage to take me where others will not go.
I ask for strength
Strength of body to protect others..
Strength of spirit to lead others.
I ask for dedication
Dedication to my job, to do it well
Dedication to my country, to keep it safe.
Give me Lord, concern
For those who trust me and compassion for those who need me.
And please Lord..
Through it all be at my side.

Brave warriors,
should fate find us in battle,
May our cause be just.
May our leaders have clear vision.
May our courage not falter.
May we be triumphant an earn victory
as we show mercy to our enemies.

May our efforts bring lasting peace.
May our sacrifice be always
appreciated by those we serve.
May we return to our loved ones unharmed.
Should we be harmed, may our wounds heal.
Should we perish in the struggle,
may God embrace us and find for us
a place in His Kingdom.

Almighty God, Lord of Hosts, we call out to you as the One who is sovereign over all. Watch over and protect our nation's military members and their families. Sustain them with your everlasting arms.

Take into your most gracious protection our service members currently deployed. May you be their comfort and their guide as they live and walk in a foreign land. Give them reassurance that you are a shield around them, an ever-present help in time of need. Grant our service members courage so that in all things they may serve without reproach. Encourage them while they also encourage one another.

As they serve around the world, we ask that you guard their families and loved ones back home. Provide them with peace and surround them with love as they mourn the absence of their loved one and long for their return. May they find hope and strength in you for the trials of each new day. Be with military children who endure the difficult burden of knowing their father or mother is in harm's way for months on end. Guard these children's hearts and minds despite the loneliness and uncertainty of having a parent deployed.

Lord God, be with marriages in the military. Preserve the bonds of husband and wife despite the stress that military life brings, stress only compounded by the decade of war our nation is in. Help military chaplains in their efforts to equip military marriages with ways to stay connected and communicate effectively despite the challenge of frequent deployments. Give husbands and wives strength and resilience to endure separations, frequent moves, and all the uncertainty military life brings.

For some, Lord, service takes their toll permanently in physical and emotional damage. For those wounded in battle, we pray you would come beside them.. Sustain and strengthen them amidst treatment, pain, and adjustments to life with an injury. Help them to find competent care and support, and to not be afraid to reach out for a helping hand or a listening ear. Be with their caregivers in the demanding role they have. Give caregivers renewed energy to offer support and love as they tend to the needs of the injured. Strengthen them as they both monitor and advocate for their loved one.

We know that war is very costly. Some have made the ultimate sacrifice, laying down their precious lives in service to our nation. Each one of them was a son or daughter, perhaps a husband or wife, father or mother. For all those who feel the pain and the toll of this war in the loss of their loved one, comfort them. Be a father to the fatherless and defender of widows. As they cast their cares on you, may they know the consolation of your love. We thank you for the freedoms these service members fought for which we enjoy today.

For each and every veteran who has served our country through the years, we thank you for their sacrifice. Comfort those who struggle in life after war. Help us to honor and care for those who have given so much for us.

Be with our nation's leaders as well, and all those who make decisions for our military. Give them wisdom and discernment in everything they do.

Father God, we long for the day when swords will be beaten into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks. We long for your peace, for your shalom.

In Christ's name we pray, Amen.