Prayer For Sick Sister In Law

Spirit of the living God, refresh and sustain me with Your goodness, so that I may be a vessel that is fit to do Your bidding. Break me of my self-will and mould me into the person that You desire me to be, that I may be a witness to Your grace and speak boldly of Your great salvation. Help me to be ready always to give an answer for the hope that I have in Christ Jesus, my Lord. In His name I pray,


Heavenly Father, look down in pity and mercy on all that are suffering with the illness of dementia. Father, we know that although our loved ones may not recognise the family and friends who love them dearly, Your Holy Spirit can commune with their human spirit in a unique and Godly way, which must be very precious to Your heart. Thank You, Father, that in the power of Your Holy Spirit, You can touch the heart of those that have lost the memories of those that are their nearest and dearest.

Father, I ask Your protection on those that are suffering with this debilitating mental disease and pray that You will minister to the emotional and spiritual needs of those we love, with all forms of this mental illness.

Comfort those that feel excluded from a loved one with dementia, in the knowledge that Your grace is sufficient. In Jesus' name,


Heavenly Father, I know that my times are in Your hands and I also believe that You care about everything in my life. In Your sovereignty, You are not surprised by anything that happens to any of Your children. I believe that You make all things work together for the good of us that love You. I believe that You care for each one of us with a perfect and holy love.

I come to You today because my health has been deteriorating with some ailment that has not been diagnosed. I am not sure what to do, but I know that You understand everything about me. I believe that You know exactly what I need to bring me back to full health and strength and I am trusting You in this time of illness in my life.

Please God, I ask for Your healing touch on my life, and pray that You would bring to my attention the treatment that is best suited for my condition. Please direct me in the way that I should go at this difficult time in my life. Thank You, Father, in Jesus' name I pray,


Heavenly Father, please look down with compassion on my friend who has been confined to a bed of sickness and is in such great physical pain. Send comfort and healing I pray, and in Your gracious kindness, please strengthen and heal whatever the problem is that has caused this illness in their body. In Jesus name I pray,


Dear Lord, I know that You are a God Who heals all manner of sickness and illness through the power of Your Holy Spirit. I ask that by His power, You would send healing and wholeness to all who are afflicted at this time with illnesses and diseases.

Send comfort and strength at this time of difficulty. In Jesus' precious name,


Dear God, the only source of healing and hope and the one fountain of peace, look down in pity and mercy on Your many children who are facing adversity and afflicted by the miseries that this world system is imposing.

Provide for the needs for all those that are called by Your name who are facing financial hardships and health problems. Enrich them with Your heavenly hope, nourish them with all Your goodness and bring each of them safely into their promised home. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear Lord.,I ask you to please heal my sister-in-law RoseMarie Batchelor from cancer. She has been in my family for 45 years and we love her so much . Lord I ask you to give her strength and peace ,she is a strong woman and a very faithful woman of faith. She loves her family .I ask you to put your healing hands on her and heal her in the name of Jesus . Amen

Father, I ask that you place your healing hands over my sister in law Merc and heal her from the devastating cancer that torments her body. Lord, I truly believe that with your most holy power you will remove the cancer from my sister in law. I ask this in the name of the almighty Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.