Prayer For Sick Daughter
Dear God,
Today, I come to you to pray for my child as he struggles with his illness. I'm fully aware of your capability to heal the sick. With that, I am humbly asking that you help my child.
Please protect him and comfort him. Whenever pain and suffering become overwhelming, bring him peace and comfort. Protect him from all anxiety that comes with his condition. Fill him with your holy presence.
We leave everything in your hands, Lord,
Our God and our Father, we are praying for the recovery of a sick child. Let your power of healing shine onto this little one, so that he is free of pain and sickness. Let your love be our guiding light and help us better care for this child. We trust in you, God, to foster healing and alleviate our fears and worries. Amen.
Loving Lord Jesus, You are the good Shepherd of the sheep and You are the One Who carries the little lambs in Your arms and gently cares for those that are weak and afraid. Lord, it is so hard to watch a child in distress and feel helpless to aid them, but I pray Lord, that You would safely carry this little child and tend for him/her as only You can.
I lift up this precious child to You, and ask for Your healing power to permeate through their frail body and return them to radiant health and strength. Relieve all the symptoms of this unpleasant illness that has invaded this little body. Guard my child from danger and may he/she respond to Your healing touch on their life.
Thank You, that You are a God Who cares and loves little children and that You hear and answer prayers. Keep this precious lamb enfolded in Your arms and resting on Your bosom. Raise him/her back to full health I pray, and we will give You all the thanks and praise for You alone are worthy.
Loving Lord, I bring this little life to You and lay it at Your feet. You know the circumstances of this tragic accident and the complications that it may cause in this little life. I pray that You would touch every part of this toddler's body and heal this little child, I pray.
Bless the parents Lord, as they remain at the bedside and give them the grace to face the difficult time that they are in. Supply them with courage and provide them the peace that only comes from You as they meet with the doctors and seek to gently nudge this little life back to full health and strength.
Thank You, Lord, that the accident was not fatal and I pray that in Your grace, You continue to hold this young toddler in Your arms and that You continue to oversee the healing process. I praise and thank You in the name of Jesus,
Loving Lord Jesus, You were the One that said, "let the little children come unto me," and You placed Your hands on all and blessed them. I come to You today to ask that Your healing hand would touch the life of this little child, who has been diagnosed with cancer.
Lord, their little body is racked with pain and life has become so difficult, as the cancer is encroaching through their tiny frame. Be close to this little one I pray, and hold them close to Yourself. Lord, I ask that they may be healed and spared any from more pain. Be close to this little one each hour of the day, I pray.
I lift up the parents who are baffled by this disease, and I ask for Your comfort and strength to uphold them as they seek to care for the little sick child. May they rest in You and be comforted and strengthened in this difficult time, and Lord, give them both the wisdom and skill to nurse their child back to full heath. I pray that they may the find their sufficiency and comfort in You, Whom to know is life eternal.
Thank You Lord Jesus,
Dear Father in heaven, I lift up this precious little girl to You who is so ill, and ask that You bring her back to full health and strength speedily. Remove all the pain and fear that this aggressive illness is causing.
I ask Father, that in Your grace and love, You will spare her from the suffering that this wretched illness is causing and You will help and guide her parents, together with the medical professionals, to care for her and treat her with the medication and help that is most needful.
Bless her young life, Lord, and I pray that as she has been taught the holy Scriptures from being a little babe, that You would make Yourself beautifully known to her, in a very special way, so that she understands that You are with her and that You said, "suffer the little children to come unto Me."
Comfort the parents in their time of need and may they draw every closer to You during this difficult time.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Dear Lord, my son has started to have asthma attacks and they seem to be getting worse. He finds it difficult to breathe and can get so frightened when an attack happens. Dear God please be with him and with me too.
Guide me to know what to do and not to panic when these frightening attacks happen. Help me to be able to cope with all I have to do to with the breathing equipment that we are having to use.
Lord, I know that You are a God Who heals and You are the God of the impossible. I pray that You heal my son of this distressing disease and return him to full health, so that he can live a normal life and be able to play with the other children and join in sports at school without having to worry about another attack.
Thank You, Lord, that You care for each of Your children and so I put my son into Your hands and ask for his healing.
Thank You Lord Jesus,
You're with us.
Though you are not seen,
We know that you stay by our side.
You love us,
More than we could know,
And you feel each tear that we cry.
We trust you,
To take hold of our hands,
Until we're recovered and well.
You promise to,
Comfort and care,
Until we are laughing and playing again.
Thank you Jesus.