Prayer For Separated Couples


I ask you to heal my wounded heart. I surrender all the broken pieces to you for healing. Don't allow me to let bitterness live here. Help me remember that I have a beautiful purpose for my life living for you. My loving family, children and friends are more than I could ask for and let their love embrace me during this difficult time. I don't understand how this is happening, but I believe that you are working through me and have a plan for my life. Help me to see your diving purpose in all of this. Let my heart be filled with your purpose. Help me to never speak negatively about my spouse, and instead be filled with peace and serenity. This won't come quickly, but with your help my heart will be whole again. I believe in that and I believe in You. You gave your Son for me, I will give you my trust and heart.

In Jesus' Name We Pray,


Heavenly Father,

I cry out to you today filled with sorrow and despair. Please return my family back together. I am lost that they walked out on our family. Please help me in repairing my marriage. I am open to change. I pray for help to see my faults and shortcomings. Help me become a healer for our family and bring peace and serenity back into our home. Give me the power of the Holy Spirit to change positively each day. I wish to grow and flourish in my marriage and beg for its reconciliation. Lead me to what you think is right. I will trust in your to change me and teach me. God, I believe in forgiveness and my family.


Holy Father,

I do not understand why he left our family. We feel abandoned and unwanted. I know, though, that something strong and evil is residing in him. Because of that, please keep the enemy away from my spouse. Even with the terrible choices he is making, I know he can be restored and come back to you Lord. Please do not give up on him. Evil and darkness is plaguing his mind. Please keep him healthy, strong, and watch over him during this tragic time. I know he has made mistakes but I would like no harm to come to my family. Despite my feelings of anger and resentment, I want to show love and ask that you protect his wellbeing. All of this is happening for a reason, and I will continue to work to show love and understanding as you would want me to.



The children are confused, scared and miss their Father. They wonder where he has gone and why he isn't tucking them in at night. They are asking me the toughest questions and I am having a hard time finding the best way to answer them. I do not want them to feel abandoned, unloved or unwanted. I do not want them to think this is their fault. I ask you tonight to give me guidance. I ask that you cradle them in your arms during this difficult time. Please anoint them with strength and remind them that your love conquers all. Fill them up with the light of your son Jesus Christ.


Dear God,

I lift up couples to You right now who are currently separated or even recently divorced. I pray that You would touch each of their hearts and soften them towards their spouse. I pray for reconciliation. May You transform their relationships, help them to forgive, and bless them with the revelation of how You desire their relationship to be. I pray that Your Holy Spirit would guide them in their conversations and their actions. Humble these husbands and wives showing them the value in what they had and in what they can have. Tear down any prideful walls that are keeping them distant and renew these marriages in Jesus' name AMEN!

Heavenly Father, I give you all praise and adoration, because your word is ever true. I give you thanks because no weapon that is formed against this marriage will stand (Isaiah 54:17).

I declare that every arrow shot to destabilize this marriage is broken to pieces, in Jesus name.

With the spiritual authority given to me through Christ Jesus, I command the fire of God to consume every wedge that is meant to be put between me and my spouse, through bad and ungodly advice and false teachings.

Every evil hand of demonic manipulation is crushed, in Jesus name. I retrieve my marriage from the jaws of the evil one, in Jesus' name. Thank you, Abba Father, because IT IS DONE, in Jesus' name.

Lord, I come to you with this petition because I know that you have made me one flesh with my spouse and you have said that no man should come between us (Matthew 19:6).

So I take authority over every outside influence that is polluting our marriage. Every foreign power that's manipulating this marriage is dealt a heavy blow in Jesus name.

Oh Lord, reveal their evil agenda. Expose them and bring their plan to nought.

I pray that their seed of discord, hatred, malice, and separation that has been sown is uprooted by fire, in Jesus name. Amen!

Heavenly and Merciful Father, I thank you for who you are and for the promises that you have made concerning me and my spouse.

Your Word is forever true. And your promise of blessings and multiplication that you have given me throughout the ages (Genesis 22:17; Hebrews 6:14) is forever mine, in Jesus' name.

You have promised to bless me exceedingly and it is your heart's desire to enlarge my coast.

Every satanic covenant that is going against your continual and uninterrupted blessing in this marriage, I command the rain of fire to consume them, in Jesus' name.

I pray against every spirit of lack and wretchedness. Oh Lord, let your peace, joy, happiness, and comfort saturate this marriage, in Jesus' name, Amen!