Prayer For Saying Grace

Dear God, We thank you for the wonderful food at this mealtime And each flavour that we enjoy. Thank you for the goodness of the vitamins to our bodies And the energy we receive as we eat. Please be with those children around the world who go hungry, And bless the work of those who are trying to help them. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Give us grateful hearts,

O Father, for all thy mercies,

And make us mindful

Of the needs of others;

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


God is great and God is good,

Let us thank Him for our food;

By His blessings, we are fed,

Give us Lord, our daily bread.


God is great!

God is good!

Let us thank Him

For our food.


Lord, make us truly thankful for

these and all other blessings.

I ask this in Jesus Christ's name,


Bless us, O Lord,

And these Thy gifts

Which we are about to receive,

Through Thy bounty

Through Christ our Lord we pray.


Father, You are mighty and strong to sustain our bodies. Thank You for the meal we are about to enjoy. Forgive us for forgetting how many pray for food to relieve their starvation. Bless and relieve the starvation of those who hunger, Lord, and inspire our hearts to seek out ways that we can help from our abundance. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Father, Praise You for the nourishment the You provide. Thank You for meeting our physical needs of hunger and thirst. Forgive us for taking that simple joy for granted, and bless this food to fuel our bodies forward into Your will for our lives. We pray that we will be energized and be able to work for the glory of Your Kingdom. In Jesus' Name, Amen.