Prayer For Salvation Of Family Members

Dear Jesus, Thank you that Your grace is a gift from God. Please allow _______ to see her need for your gift of grace. Help her see she cannot save herself through any actions of her own. Open her heart to understand that salvation from sins comes only through faith in Your death and resurrection.

I know you have a plan for her life and that You have prepared good works for her to complete. Please make Your grace alive to her so that she can live the rest of her life in service and honor to You. In Your Holy Name, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you that You provide light to our paths when we follow Your Word. Please open ____'s eyes to the light and truth that can only be found in the Bible. Break down the barriers that cloud him from understanding and accepting your Word as the light and truth he need in his life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Dear Lord, Please help ______ find that you really are the way, the truth, and the life. Help her find You as the path that she needs, You as the truth she craves to know, and You as her source of eternal life. Please help ____ see the beauty of a faith-filled relationship with You. In Your Holy Name, Amen.

Lord, I pray that You would teach me to yield myself to Your Spirit as I pray for the salvation of those who do not know you. Holy Spirit, teach me to trust You as a living person who leads my life and my prayers. I long to see Your power in my life just as the Apostle Paul did as he reached out to the lost (1 Corinthians 2:2-5). I thank You that You indwell, seal, sanctify, and empower me. You guide me, teach me, and pray through me. Help me to partner with You as I use Your Word in praying for the salvation of my family, friends, and co-workers. Make me sensitive to Your promptings and teach me to partner with You in praying Your Word over those who are searching for You.

Jesus, I want to prioritize prayer for others just as You did on earth. You withdrew to lonely places to pray (Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16). You were faithful in intercession and even prayed whole nights. Teach me to be faithful in prayer. Help me to remember the lost when I pray [Bring before the Lord five unsaved family members or friends]. Show them that the free gift of eternal life is in You alone (Romans 6:23, John 3:16). Help me to be Your witness and love them. Help me to show warm-hearted acts of kindness towards them. I know that love comes from You (1 John 4:7). Help me to show love towards everyone I meet. Love always hopes and believes (Pray all of 1 Corinthians 13). Help me to be active in sharing my faith (Philemon 6). I thank You that I can be Your witness everywhere I go (Acts 1:8).

I thank you that the darkness vanishes as I pray for the lost. Thank you for convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8). I pray that you will soften the hearts of [Name one-by-one others who do not know Christ]. Remove the spiritual blindness from their eyes, and help them to understand the truth about You. Bring them to repentance and salvation (Acts 3:19). I believe that You are working in their hearts even as I pray. Help me to let my light shine before men, that they may see my good deeds and glorify my Father in heaven (Mathew 5:16). Help me to be Your light in their lives. In Jesus' name, amen.

Glorious Father, thank You for Your unconditional love. Thank You for showing families just how great Your love is by sending Christ to die for them while they were still sinners. Thank You for adopting them as Your children. Lord God, thank You for the precious gift of eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. Your majestic Name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens! Families will praise Your Name forever and ever, for You have all wisdom and power. They will put their hope in You, Lord; You are their help and shield. Father, You have performed many wonders for them. Your plans for families are too numerous to list. You have no equal! If they tried to recite all Your wonderful deeds, they would never come to the end of them.

Triumphant Father, we know according to Your Word that You want everyone to be saved and understand the truth. We confess that if families openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in their hearts that You raised Him from the dead, they will be saved. When they do, as Your Word promises, they will not perish but have everlasting life. They will have the right to become Your children. They will see themselves as Your masterpiece, created anew in Christ Jesus so that they can do the good things You predestined for them. Our families will proclaim the good news that You save, publish Your glorious deeds among the nations and tell everyone about the amazing things You do. We declare that they will worship Christ as Lord of their lives. And if someone asks about their hope as believers, they will always be ready to explain in a gentle and respectful way. We confess that families will never stop praying and being thankful in all circumstances, for this is Your will for those who belong to Christ Jesus.

Yahweh Jireh, The Lord will provide, we ask that Your holy wisdom be entrusted upon our lives and we execute it daily. Guide us and help us make wise decisions always.

Form our decisions such that we will always be able to glorify You in some way. Mold us, shape us, be with us always.

Yeshua, we declare that You will fight all our battles and give us peace within to win the victory. In Jesus precious name, Amen!

There are a lot of parents reaching out to you, oh Lord, to save their children. Many of them have lost their way, but they shall be saved at the sound of your great name.

Save them from negative company, and bring them back to Christ. Help them to be a blessing in the lives of those who surround them.

Help them to understand and spread your word. Bring them back to you, oh Loving father. In Jesus' most precious name, AMEN!!

Father God, I know that no one can come to [Jesus] unless the Father . . . draws them (John 6:44). I ask that You draw _____________ to Your Son, that he/she may know You personally and spend eternity with You.