Prayer For Sale

Father, I come before You humbly to ask that in Your grace and wisdom You would enable us to sell our home and to move to the place to which You are calling us to go.

Lord I know that Jesus Christ alone is our mediator between God and man, and it concerns me that so many people consider praying to saints or reciting incantation' type prayers to try to help sell their homes. Father, I confess Christ crucified as my only Saviour and one and only Mediator, and it is in His name alone that I come to You today to pray that You would guide us as we come to sell our house.

Give us wisdom as we put this house into the hands of a selling agency, and we pray that You would go ahead and prepare the way for the right person to come at Your time and in Your way to buy this house. Lord, You know my needs and those of my family and it is to You alone that I cry at this time and plead for your grace in time of need.

Lord, I pray that Your will be done in this part of my life, and that You would give me the strength and wisdom to trust You in all things, for You alone are worthy. In Jesus' name I pray,


Thank You, Father, that you are interested in all the affairs of the lives and futures of all Your children, and Lord I bring before You my dear friends who are seeking to sell their home. I pray that they will cast all their cares upon You and not to become anxious about selling their home, knowing that You are in control of every part of their life. Help them to maintain their trust in You at all times, knowing that selling a house in this present economic climate can become quite a worry, when we do not cast all our burdens upon You.

Help them not to be anxious about anything, but in prayer and supplication may they present their petitions before Your throne of grace and make their needs known to You, with thanksgiving in their hearts, knowing that You are the One Who alone directs our lives and knows the desires and needs of our hearts and lives.

Maintain their trust in You I pray, throughout the entire house sale, and I pray that Your hand of blessing would continue to be on them, leading and guiding them in the decisions they have to make in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear Lord, I bring this young couple that are having to sell their house, and Lord I know that this is a very stressful time for them, but I pray that You would be there to lead and guide them in all the decisions that they have to make, in this house-sale.

Father, I pray that they would hand all their anxiety over to You and that in Your grace and mercy, You would lead and direct them in the process of moving home. May they see Your hand of blessing working in every step that they are having to take.

Father, I pray that they would look to You to be their estate agent, and to look to You to be the One that will locate the right buyer for them. And Father, I pray that in Your grace You would go ahead and bring the right buyer into their lives. You know who will buy their home and I pray for them as well, that You will guide them to this home.

Lord, I pray that this experience of house-moving will turn out to be a time when this dear young couple come to put their trust in You more and more as they see Your hand of grace guiding them along the right path for their lives. I pray this in the precious name of Jesus,


Loving Heavenly Father, we bring before You our dear friends who are having to sell their home and move elsewhere, and we pray Lord that You would be with them every step of the way as they go through the difficult and distressing process of selling their home in such a stagnant housing market.

Give them we pray, Your grace and peace to face all that they need to do in selling their home, and we thank You Lord that they are Your children and that their lives are in Your hands too. We thank You that our dear friends know and love You, and we pray that as they prepare to move to a different place that You would be very close to them, to lead and to guide in every aspect of this house-sale.

We pray Father, that You would bring the right people into their path who need to purchase their home, and that You would be instrumental in every step that they need to take in the process of selling their house.

Lord, You were the One that told Jeremiah to buy a property in a non-existent housing market, and we trust You to lead and guide our friends as You did Jeremiah. Give them Your peace in their hearts and let them know that You are right in the middle of their house-sale.In Jesus' name we pray,


Father, I pray concerning the sales of our company.
I lift up to Your throne of grace everyone who is involved in selling, whether by phone, in person or through the mail. I ask that You continue to bless them and their efforts on behalf of our organization.
Thank You, Father, for Your wisdom and Your favor upon us as, through our sales force, we share the benefits of our goods/services. Thank You that You give our people favor with our customers as they talk to them.
Father, I ask that You help our salespeople to know what the needs of our customers are. Help them never to oversell, but always to adequately, effectively and efficiently present our products/services.
Give us wisdom and insight in the development of our sales promotions and techniques. Help us always to be honest and upfront. Help us always to explain the benefits of our products/services in a clear and accurate way.
I ask You, Father, that You guide our salespeople so that they are able to respond quickly to any objection to the purchase or our products/services. Give them favor when setting up appointments and making sales presentations. Help them to offer the products/services in the proper way.
Thank You, Father, that there is a need for our products/services, and that You continue to open new doors and provide new markets for them. Thank You that we have growth with our existing customers on a regular basis. Thank You that we are increasing sales and adding new markets daily. To You we give all honor and glory for our success.
In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Prayer Loving Lord, we need Your grace and wisdom today as we have to set about selling our home. Father, we know that the housing situation today is very difficult, for few people are in a position to move into a new home, due to the increasingly difficult economic situation. Nevertheless Lord, our lives are in Your hands and we trust You to lead and guide in this important decision that we are having to make.

Give us wisdom as we face this challenge and pray that You would bring the right buyer into our lives so that both they and we may be blessed by Your goodness.

Lord, we know that Your ways are not our ways and so we place this house sale into Your hands and trust that in Your time and in Your way You would bring us the right buyer, the one that You have chosen to come and live here.

Thank You, Lord, that You hear the cries of all Your children, and we trust You to hear our prayer and answer in Your time and in Your way. Help us not to become discouraged and prevent us from trying to advise You what and how to help us! And so into Your hands we place this house sale and pray, Thy will be done. In Jesus' name,


Father God, we thank You that you brought us to this home and now we are sure that this is the right time for us to uproot from here and to move away. Thank You that throughout our lives You have provided for us in so many ways, including this home and we pray that You will continue to provide and protect us as we seek to put this house up on the market for sale.

Lord, You have kept a roof over our heads through the past, and I trust You Father to provide a home and shelter for us all in the future, as You have promised. You have told us not to worry about what to eat and what to wear, and I believe that you do not want us to worry about where we are to live, for You have promised to be our Provider in all things and I trust You in this.

Lord, we do ask for Your blessing as we enter the process of selling our house and ask for Your leading and guidance throughout this process, knowing that You have scheduled every day of our lives and do not want us to worry or fear about the future.

Give us wisdom in the days that lie ahead and Father, I pray that You would undertake in all things. Bring the right people into our lives for whom you have prepared this place and we trust You to be with us throughout the entire process. Keep us from worry and may our eyes be upon You. In Jesus' name we pray,


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day! Thank you for the sacrifices you've made to allow me to be here to serve you. Thank You for Your love, Your kindness and for all the many blessing You have sent my way. Thank You for Your guidance and for Your continued support in my life.

I pray today Lord that you will place me in front of those you wish for me to help. I am ready and able to do Your will. I ask that you use me as a tool to Your benefit. I pray that You will guide me and give the words to say and the patience to listen. I pray that you will give me strength in overcoming adversity, facing and persuading naysayers, and use me as a tool to reach the people you want me to help. I know that all things are possible through you and I believe you have put me in sales for a reason. Help me to see that reason and help me to help others help themselves.

In Jesus Christ name I pray, AMEN.