Prayer For Safe Return Of A Missing Person

Loving God, the hope and protector of all humankind; bless those whose loved ones are missing. The agony of not knowing whether someone is living or dead is a daily torture. The uncertainty of life's future relationships hangs in limbo. Hope rides a roller coaster. Yet each day must be lived. Give unto your people the blessing of your grace that they may face each day with courage and hope. Guard their families from further danger and harm and hold them in the blessing of your love. Amen.

Prayers are needed for a safe return home for my friend Spencer. He has been missing for 5 days after going into town last Friday to run errands. His car was found abandoned on the roadside and he doesn't have his medicine with him. Please cover him Lord. Bring him safely home to his family and friends who love him so much. Please urge him to contact his family of his whereabouts, Lord. In Jesus's name I ask and pray. Amen.