Prayer For Renewal Of Spirit

Father, Oh to be like You. Oh to be like the Trinitarian community. Mold me and make me, scour and shape me. Empower me to love like Jesus. Spirit, empower me to shrink not from the scars of death-to-self relating. Through my communion with You, enable me to give others a taste of Your grace love. More than anything, I want to give sacrificially like Jesus. You made me, recreated me, to giveto love with agape love. Thank you!

Glory to you,
O Lord our God,
Your love calls us to be your people.
By sharing our many and diverse gifts
we share in your mission.
We ask you, Lord,
to shape us into a community of faith.
Nourish us by your word and sacraments
that we may grow into the image of Jesus.
Through the power of your Holy Spirit,
heal us that we, in turn,
may heal the wounded.
Form us to be instruments of love,
justice, and peace in our land,
and send us to proclaim your saving work.

RENEW us, Lord,
that we may renew the face of the earth.


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith,
Where there is despair, hope,
Where there is darkness, light,
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much
seek to be consoled as to console,
not so much to be understood as to understand,
not so much to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

Lord, no matter what I need, the wisdom that will enrich my life and make me whole is found in Your word. Renew me with Your love and strength so that I may grow closer to You. My life is Yours, Father. In Jesus' name, Amen.

O heavenly Father, who hast filled the world with beauty:
Open our eyes to behold Thy gracious hand in all Thy works;
that, rejoicing in Thy whole creation, we may learn to serve Thee with gladness;
for the sake of him through whom all things were made,
Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

All praise to Thee, my God, this night
For all the blessings of the light:
Keep me, O keep me, King of kings,
Beneath Thine own almighty wings. Amen

Jesus, gentle Shepherd,
Bless Thy lamb today;
Keep me in Thy footsteps,
Never let me stray.
Guard me through the daytime.
Every hour, I pray;
Keep my feet from straying
From the narrow way. Amen.

Oh loving Lord,

Even though I know you and accept you as Lord and Savior, I don't want to fall into a routine. So I come to you seeking a fresh, new perspective.

Not to throw away past lessons, but for your Spirit to rebuild and breathe new life into my faith.

Show me how to do this. Let me open myself completely to your voice; the voice that tells me God is love and in Christ all things are new.

Renew me, restore me, break me down if needed, then, let me fall in love again, oh Lord, trusting in your promises. Now a bit more mature and solid in the ways of the Master but still with so much to learn.

Let my joy be a deeper joy, one that celebrates and gives thanks.

Let my love be a deeper love, one that receives and gives life.

May it all start and end with my Lord, my God, my Savior Jesus Christ,

In his holy name,
