Prayer For Prosperity And Financial Release

In the name of Jesus Christ your son that died for my sins on calvarys cross. I pray that you will put your shield around me to protect me from the evil thoughts and actions of the enemy, I pray that you remove all chains and barriers that are trying to stifle my success , you said Lord in your words that your plans are to prosper me and never harm me and that my cup will overflow with blessings. Amen

Heavenly Father, Your name leaves my lips daily in reverence of Your strength and unconditional love. Your undivided attention has been on me since I was in my mother's womb and because You favoured me so, I was delivered into this world safe and sound. Lord, I ask that as You have been caring for me, You continue to do so. I want You to take the wheel of my life because nothing but Your blessings, favour, and love can suffice again. Lord, I ask for the double of Elisha's blessing and I want to be Your favourite amongst millions. Be with me Oh Lord and let Your gaze waver not from me/my household. I glorify You El-Shaddai and In Jesus Name I've prayed, Amen.

Let peace be within my walls and prosperity within my palace (Psalm 122:7). Amen

I pray in secret, and You reward me openly (Matthew 6:6) Amen

Lord, You have called me, and You will make my way prosperous (Isaiah 48:15). Amen

Lord, release the wealth of the wicked into my hands (Proverbs 13:22). Amen

Plenty of every good and needful substance is all about
me. It enriches my mind, sustains my body, overflows my
home, prospers my activities, fills my purse, and enlarges
my bank account. Plenty is my heritage. I claim and accept it
now. I do not strive or struggle; I entertain no doubts; I ask
no questions. I let go and let my good come to me as God
directs. I do not beg or plead or scheme. I acknowledge
the truth that God is the Spirit of plenty, the giver of all
good, and I open my heart to receive of God's everywhere
present, abundant, and all-sufficient supply.

There is no place where the activity of God is not present.
As the spirit of success, God moves through every financial
understanding, every business venture, every transaction.
The activity of God occurs right on time, bringing about
perfect solutions and joyous progress. God's perfect action
directs my efforts, guides my desires, and prospers my
endeavors. I am a radiant channel, overflowing with the
perfect activity of God!