Prayer For Pregnancy Complications

None of the people that shall take the delivery of my baby shall co-operate with the enemy to afflict me in Jesus name. Amen

My blood will not be wasted at delivery and I will not suffer any post delivery crises or abnormality in Jesus name. Amen

Dear Lord, I pray for my baby's hearing that is developing now. Give him or her perfect hearing with the ears and inner parts of the ear working properly. But, Lord, I also pray that my child will hear and recognize Your voice. Give him spiritual ears to hear what You say to his generation, and to him specifically. I pray that my child will love Your voice and be sensitive to it. Lord, You say in the book of John that Your people hear You and follow You, and that You give them eternal life. I pray now for my child's salvation, that You would give him a wonderful experience in knowing You are his personal Lord and Savior and that You have prepared eternal life for him. Lord, I also pray that my words express love and are positive, encouraging, life-giving and Bible-based. I pray that my baby hears only good things coming out of my mouth, and I pray that I will think about what I am going to say before I say it. Help me teach by words and action to speak praise. Show him the path in which You want him to go and help him to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ wherever he goes. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayer. I ask this in Your name. Amen.

God, bless our precious daughter. She was born before her time, yet her birth was not outside of your hand. Make her stronger each and every day. Comfort her when I cannot. May she know your compassionate love now and all days of her life. Amen

Lord, thank you for growing our sweet family. We need you to be near. Our family is overwhelmed. We are fearful and desperately need your peace. You are our only Refuge. You are our only Healer, our Hope. Father, you know what it is like to see your son suffer. Please heal our son. Amen

Almighty God, be with this baby as we lift him/her to You. We ask for grace, love, healing, and strength. We ask that you lead the hands that are providing the care. Take this baby's body and fill it with miraculous light. Bring a host of angels down to this darling and cover the baby in Your mighty healing power. Please heal this little one and let this miracle become a testimony that will bring others to You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Gracious God, as we pray over this child, we ask that You heal his/her tiny body. Bring the doctors into Your will, show their hands what to do, and hold them steady as they work. Consistently hold the life of this baby and protect it in Your holy hands. Guard this baby with divinity that only You possess and continue to provide sweet breaths of gentleness into this priceless piece of heaven You have given us. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Gracious Father, thank you for our baby that has finally arrived in the world. Lord, we know this was not the best way for our child to come, but everything works together for our good. I choose to thank you, even though I am fearful. Spring of living water, let my baby find fullness in you. Let the resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead rest upon this infant that it may become stronger and healthier. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.