Prayer For Mother In Labor

Heavenly Father, thank you because you are perfectly faithful. I know I can rely on you during labor and delivery. The Bible says that you make all things work together for my good. Please watch over me through childbirth. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with my spirit. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Sovereign Lord, soothe me with your calming grace in this time of labor. I am your child. I belong to you and I am safe in your hands. Fill my heart with the assurance that you are full of steadfast love for me. In your mercy, may I find peace. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Father of Enduring Faithfulness, fill me with hope and strength as I feel exhausted from labor. My comfort is found in the work of your Holy Spirit. Soothe me with the certainty of your faithful love. Help me to know that you will never turn your back on me. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank you that your word is living and active, powerful and effective. Your word says that your peace, which transcends all understanding, will guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus. May I know that peace as I give birth. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Everlasting Father, thank you that you are the author of life. You are a perfectly loving Father who always gives good gifts to your children. Please help and protect me through the process of labor and delivery. May my child know their identity and dignity as your child, as you lead them into the fullness of life. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Merciful Father, thank you that every good and perfect gift comes from you. May I feel peace and security in your arms as I give birth. May your love fill my heart with joy. May your presence be my strength when I feel pain. May your word give me peace throughout this process. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, thank you you speak life into existence. As I give birth to this child, remind me that you already know them. Without you, I can do nothing. Please strengthen me as I give birth. May I see more of your beauty and goodness and praise you throughout this experience. In your mighty name, Amen.

Lord God, Please allow me to have endurance that comes from you, and keep me safe. Watch over my baby and allow him/her to be born under the best of circumstances. May Your will be done, Lord. Give me a sense of calm and purpose as I go through labor and delivery.