Prayer For Mother And Child

Holy Mother Mary,

Who by virtue of your divine motherhood,
Hast become mother of us all
I place the charge which God has given me,
under your loving protection.
Be a Protecting Mother to my children.
Guard their bodies and keep them
in health and strength.
Guard their minds and keep their thoughts ever holy
in the sight of their Creator and God.
Guard their hearts and keep them pure and strong
and happy in the love of God.
Guard always their souls and ever preserve in them,
faithfully, the glorious image of God
whom they received in Holy Baptism.
Always Mother, protect them and keep them
under your Mothering care.
Supply in your all-wise motherhood,
for my poor human deficiencies
and protect them from all evil.


Today, we come to You with grateful hearts. The gift of motherhood is a rich blessing, and we thank You for the privilege and honor of bearing the title, Mom.' As so many of the great biblical mothers come to our minds, we are reminded of the legacy we have been grafted into. The sacrifices made out of love for You and their children pave a road full of examples and encouragement for us to follow. Help us to remember to go to those places in Scripture when we yearn for a sense of camaraderie, and when we feel alone in our struggles as a mom.

Help us to fight the fear of isolation that can overtake mothers. Remind us we are placed purposefully in our children's lives, families, and communities. Embolden us to reach out to the people You've put in our lives, both in times of need and to encourage those raising children alongside or behind us. Give us a clear understanding of Your purpose for motherhood.

Father, we will not always get it right. Many days, we will struggle to remain sane and snap our patience before the day has barely begun. Come into our hearts full force with Your love and conviction to keep striving towards You. Not towards perfection, and not in comparison, but straight to You. We pray Proverbs 31:15-17 over our lives, today and every day.

She rises from bed early, in the still of night, carefully preparing food for her family and providing a portion to her servants. She has a plan. She considers some land an buys it; then with her earnings, she plants a vineyard. She wraps herself in strength, carries herself with confidence, and works hard, strengthening her arms for the task at hand. (VOICE paraphrase.)

Father, we want our plans to align with Your will. Grow us into confident, hard-working, and strong moms fit for the task at hand. We are not all of these things when our baby first cries, but You are faithful. One day, we will begin to look back and see the traces of Your loving care in the moments we felt overwhelmed and under-qualified. Bless us to be humble reflections of Your grace, glaringly imperfect and dependent on You. Most ardently, we pray to lead our children to Christ. To disciple them well by the way we live our lives and the words of Your inspired wisdom. Bless and guide every word and note of discipline to honor You and server Your purposes.

Through the task of motherhood, let us never lose sight of who we are in Christ. Keep our feet on the path of righteousness and our hearts in pursuit of wisdom. Bless our lives with godly friends and God-centered friendships. Bless and protect our marriages amidst the challenges of parenting. Father God, mold us into the moms you already know we are.

In Jesus' Name,



We praise you for children. No child is placed in a mother's womb by coincidence. You know every life, and in your mastery knit us into the unique threads of humanity we are purposed to be with Your great love before we breathed our first breath of earthly air. Father, mold us into mothers that reflect 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 love. We want to honor You in the way we love our children. Help us to be patient, when the hours are long, the wait seems impossible, and our strength fails us. Fill us with kindness, when our urge to criticize overwhelms us.

Father, create in us a delight for your truth, and a will to worship You in seasons of suffering and moments of triumphant accomplishment. As You protect us, enable us to protect our children, Father. Help us to build a bridge of trust with our children, and to pave a pathway to hope for them to find and embrace You, their Father and Creator. Father, motherhood is so overwhelmingly hard. What we cannot find the strength to do for ourselves, let us persevere so our children may see Your love for them reflected in our lives. We pray today, Father, for You to keep our children physically safe, and guard their hearts and minds. May their friendships be godly and God-centered, their relationships and marriages built on kindness and upon seeking You first.

Bless them to hear Your voice above all others, and find their purpose and passions early in life. May they never stop pursuing You and the talents and gifts You have given them. Go before us and forgive our mistakes as we do our best to raise our children, Father. Thank you for blessing us with the privilege to be such an intricate part of Your creation. Help us be at peace with what we cannot understand, and driven to work hard with what we know.

In Jesus' Name,



Today we praise You for home. Bless this space we share with the people you've placed around us. Father, you always forgive us, and never love us less. Help us to embrace that mentality when we walk through the doors to our home daily. As Colossians 3:13 reminds, help us tobear with each other and forgive one another. Families share four walls that witness each of us in a way the rest of the world does not. Create a safe haven for us at home, Father. Ignite in us the ability to embrace and encourage each other, flaws and good qualities alike. May we recognize each other's strengths more than we are bothered by weaknesses.

Father, we ask Your forgiveness today for the moments we have lost our patience in the past and to come in the future. Grow us in wisdom to be mindful of our words. Convict us to serve each other and put our selfish pursuits and agendas aside. You have forgiven us, so we too can extend forgiveness to each other every day.

Thank you for giving us a support system, and a small army to pursue Your righteousness. Bless our home to be a welcoming example of Your love. Bless all who walk through our doors, and us as we exit them and walk out into the world each day. May the love we absorb at home be enough to embolden and sustain us as we walk throughout days at school, work, and through the pursuit of our passions and hobbies. Help us to be outward facing people, noticing those You place in our paths and looking for ways to love them.

Keep our home safe. Protect it from intruders and invaders who wish harm upon us. Bless our home with Your presence, Lord Jesus. Guard our home against the evil that plots to derail and confuse us. Give us the discernment to see and recognize attacks for what they are, and the strength of faith to turn from temptation when it rears its ugly head. Keep us pure in mind, body and spirit, Father. Let our home be a welcome refuge of peace for all who visit.

In Jesus' Name,


Lord, please fill me with your grace so that I may be restored and renewed in my role as a mother. Help me to remember that I do not have to do this alone that you are with me to strengthen and guide me.

Dear Lord, I know you have a plan for my child and I thank you and praise you for allowing me the gift of being his/her mother. I am frustrated because I want to see the fruits of my labor, Lord. Please give me the patience to continue being obedient to your word in raising my child. Teach me to wait in hope and confidence for you to make your will known in your time.

Lord, I trust in you and lean on you. I thank you for your mercy and provision for me and my family. I come to you again and ask that your will be done in this situation we are currently facing. Guard my heart and my mind and keep me focused on your will. Lord, please send your Holy Spirit to breathe your peace into my soul and walk with me on this journey.

Heavenly Father, I come to you today, humble and exhausted, and ask that you carry my burdens. I pray that you lift my weary spirit and fill me with your love and peace so that I may be restored and renewed in body and mind. Lord, pour your heavenly nourishment into my soul and give me the energy to sustain me in my role as a mother.