Prayer For Money Owed

Collecting money owed to us - need God to move quickly
Heavenly father, I am asking for your help. I was employed by a young lady, to look after her child. she has refuse to pay me for the work I have done. Heavenly father i am in deep financial difficulty. I have taken her to court severely times and still no payment has yet receive. Lord i pray that one day I will receive all my payment in Jesus name ..Amen.

Father, stop this person and hold them in the palm of your hand and convict them of their wrong doing that his man may be paid for the work he performed which is right and just for his service. In Jesus name...Amen!

Dear Lord Jesus, Show DaFlash4JC that you are his source and that everything he needs is in you. I ask you to provide him with the finances he needs always remembering that . . . " We are not fighting against flesh and blood but against pricipalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Lord give both he and his wife even more than they are expecting also give them something that money cannot buy. You are wonderful Lord. You know that they love you, so give them rich rewards for all their sservice to you.
In the Name of Jesus,

Dear God, I gave money to whom ever i could when ever they required it, inspite of the fact that whether i could afford that amount or not. I have always tried to them who i felt were in need and i could help. But, now i need them to pay the money back to me as they promised, especially you know who.

God, please help me bless me to get my money back from him.

Thank you God.

Hear my prayer and bless me with all your glory!
I have worked very hard for my company, through trials and tribulation, i have stood by their side and did the work they aaked me to do.
I am waiting on a bonus payment from 2015 and everytime i ask for it, these requests fall upon deaf ears.
Give me the strength to pursue the collection of this bonus payment. May this company please pay me in full.
I need this money to pay my children's school in order for my daughter to return to University.
I want to pay off my debts in order to release some of the daily financial stress that my husband and I face.
How much easier my life would be if I could pay for the things that I am responsible forI'm not asking for some miraculous windfall or lottery win, instead the receipt of money that I have worked so hard to achieve.
I have recently resigned from this company. Bless me with the strength to start a new career. Look over me and protect me from future dishonour in the workplace.

Thank you for blessing me with a beautiful family, a beloved husband and children and a home and life that I adore.


Dear God, I gave money to whom ever i could when ever they required it, inspite of the fact that whether i could afford that amount or not. I have always tried to them who i felt were in need and i could help. But, now i need them to pay the money back to me as they promised, especially you know who.

God, please help me bless me to get my money back from him.

Thank you God.

Dear St Jude

Its almost Christmas, We need to get paid by Di Crocker $1400, DT $3K +, NF 3K. Please we need this money urgently, we have to pay our workers, and we need to buy presence for kids. Please help us that our clients be responsible and honour our agreements, have some respect. Help us breathe this Christmas, feel happy and motivated. We work hard for this little money, help us get paid in Christ Jesus name. Amen!!!

Dear Sis. Jude Thadeus, please pray for me that God will touch the heart of my employer to pay my salary arrears of about 7 Months and to pay salaries regulsrly. Am In Desperate need of money now am about to have my baby. Lord please have mercy on me and hear my prayers. Amen