Prayer For Missionaries And Their Families

God of Loving Devotion, I pray for the missionaries all over the planet. I ask that You help them remain faithful to the call that You have given. I pray that when they feel like giving up, that You will grant them Your strength and a desire to carry-on. I ask that when they don't feel like leaving their home, that You will place Your fire in their chests. Gracious Lord, please help them carry-on being Your hands and feet. Amen.

God of Victory, I pray for the missionaries in the world today. Life can be challenging, especially in the early days of their service. The simplest tasks require learning new words, and it can be overwhelming. I ask that You give each missionary a spirit of adventure. Help them to see that each obstacle or hardship may be the next opportunity to share Your love with someone. Lord, grant strength and resolve as they go throughout this day. Amen.

All-Knowing Father, I want to pray for missionaries today. Many times, the lack of fruit in their labors can cause discouragement. Their discouragement can lead to self-doubt and depression. I pray that as they face these discouraging moments, that You encourage them in their ministries. Please grant them peace to wait for Your timing and wisdom for reaching the lost. Amen.

God of Loving Devotion, it is hard for us to understand everything that our missionaries are going through. What they truly need from us is to keep them before You in our prayers. Your Word speaks much about how You bless Your children, and it is on those promises that I base my prayer today. I am asking that Your Spirit go across the planet and bless every missionary with what they need today. Amen.

Righteous Savior, many of our missionaries are working in areas where ministry resources are not readily available. It's hard for us to understand lacking basic necessities and resources because of how lucky we are to live in comfort. I pray that You give them the discernment on how to work around challenges. Help them to think outside the box if resources are not available. Bless them with a safe way to obtain what they need. Amen.

God my Sustainer, our missionaries are making plans and praying through ways to reach people and spread Your Gospel. Many of their ideas require additional feet on the ground. I pray, Lord, that You broaden their pool of laborers. I pray You touch the hearts of those who can go and walk alongside them in the task that You have given. I pray You grant the missionaries success in their search for volunteers. God, please increase their number. Amen.

God of Heaven's Armies, many of our missionaries are serving in very hostile places for the Gospel. It is for those missionaries that I come before You. I ask for Your hedge of protection and covering over them. I pray You would hide their plans and actions from Your enemies. Many have plans to harm them, their ministry, or the new believers; please provide the covering they need. Amen.

Heavenly Lord, I come before You on behalf of the missionaries around the world today. I want to place them into Your hands, Lord, and ask for a hedge of protection around them. You know which individuals need prayer right now. I pray on their behalf, asking for Your blessing. The most vital part of any ministry endeavor is prayer. For this reason, I also ask for You to provide other prayer warriors who will stand beside them in their ministry through prayer. Amen.