Prayer For Missing Mass

O Lord God, I love you above all things

and I love my neighbor for your sake

because you are the highest, infinite and perfect

good, worthy of all my love.

In this love I intend to live and die.


O my God, I firmly believe

that you are one God in three divine Persons,

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I believe that your divine Son became man

and died for our sins and that he will come

to judge the living and the dead.

I believe these and all the truths

which the Holy Catholic Church teaches

because you have revealed them

who are eternal truth and wisdom,

who can neither deceive nor be deceived.

In this faith I intend to live and die.


O Father of mercies, and God of all consolation, to Thee I (we) turn for help and grace. Graciously took upon my (our) misery and wretchedness, and let my (our) supplications come before Thee. That I (we) may the more surely be heard by Thee, I (we) appear before the throne of Thy grace, which, for our salvation, is set up in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, where the innocent Lamb of God is mysteriously offered up to Thee, Holy Father, Almighty God, for the remission of our sins. Regard, I (we) beseech Thee, the innocence of this holy Sacrifice, and for the sake thereof extend to me (us) Thy mercy. O dear Savior, how great is that love of Thine for me (us) which, to make satisfaction for my (our) sins, and to gain me (us) the grace of Thy Father, impelled Thee to endure for me (us) such bitter pains, and even death itself! How great is yet that love of Thine for me (us) which causes Thee, in every Holy Mass, to renew, in an unbloody manner, Thy death of propitiation, in order to apply and communicate to me (us) Thy merits! With my (our) whole heart I (we) thank Thee for this, Thy great love, and from the depths of my (our) soul (s), I (we) beseech Thee to make me (us) partaker (s) of the fruit of it, and to strengthen and confirm me (us) by the grace of the Holy Ghost, that I (we) may detest sin and all unholy living, that I (we) may crucify my (our) flesh, with all its passions, deny myself (ourselves), and follow in Thy footsteps, that all my (our) thoughts and words, all that I (we) do or leave undone, may be a living service of God, and a sacrifice well pleasing to Him.

As Thou hast offered up to Thy Heavenly Father Thyself, so take me (us) also in the arms of Thy love and mercy, and present me (us), poor erring sinner (s), as an offering to Thy Father, and let me (us) no more be separated from His love. Amen.

Most Holy Trinity, God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, almighty Source of all things; my (our) best Father, my (our) merciful Redeemer, the Fountain of my (our) sanctification and happiness, I (we), Thy most unworthy creature (s), venture to appear before Thee, to show to Thee, my (our) true God and Creator, all honor, adoration, and trustful submission; to thank Thee for the innumerable benefits which I (we) have received from Thee, to praise Thee for Thy glory (for I am (we are) created for Thy praise); to implore Thy mercies, and to appease Thy justice, because I (we) have so often and so grievously sinned against Thee.

All this I (we) cannot do in a worthier and more perfect manner than by hearing, with faith and devotion, Holy Mass. For in that Holy Sacrifice is offered to Thee the most sublime Sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, the most efficacious sacrifice of supplication and propitiation, the most worthy Sacrifice of salvation for the living and the dead. But because I (we) cannot this day be present bodily at Holy Mass, I (we) will, at least in spirit, place myself (ourselves) before the altar where Jesus Christ, in an unbloody manner, offers Himself, O Heavenly Father, to Thee. With this glorious Sacrifice I (we) unite my (our) present prayer; I (we) fervently desire, united with the Son of God, in the strongest manner of praise, love, supplicate Thee, O Heavenly Father, to repair all the wrong and shame that I (we) have wrought, and completely to accomplish all that can be accomplished by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. To this end give me (us) Thy divine grace, and grant that I (we) may perform all this with sincere devotion. Amen.

As I cannot this day enjoy the happiness of assisting at the holy Mysteries, O my God! I transport myself in spirit at the foot of Thine altar; I unite with the Church, which by the hands of the priest, offers Thee Thine adorable Son in the Holy Sacrifice; I offer myself with Him, by Him, and in His Name. I adore, I praise, and thank Thee, imploring Thy mercy, invoking Thine assistance, and presenting Thee the homage I owe Thee as my Creator, the love due to Thee as my Savior.

Apply to my soul, I beseech Thee, O merciful Jesus, Thine infinite merits; apply them also to those for whom I particularly wish to pray. I desire to communicate spiritually, that Thy Blood may purify, Thy Flesh strengthen, and Thy Spirit sanctify me. May I never forget that Thou, my divine Redeemer, hast died for me; may I die to all that is not Thee, that hereafter I may live eternally with Thee. Amen.

O Immaculate Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mother of God and Mediatrix of every grace: I believe that Thy dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is truly, really, and substantially contained in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love Him above all things and I long to receive Him into my heart. Since I cannot now receive Him sacramentally, be so good as to place Him spiritually in my soul.

O my Jesus, I embrace Thee as One who has already come, and I unite myself entirely to Thee. Never permit me to be separated from Thee. Amen.

O HOLY ANGEL at my side,
Go to Church for me,
Kneel in my place, at Holy Mass,
Where I desire to be.

At Offertory, in my stead,
Take all I am and own,
And place it as a sacrifice
Upon the Altar Throne.

At Holy Consecration's bell,
Adore with Seraph's love,
My Jesus hidden in the Host,
Come down from Heaven above.

Then pray for those I dearly love,
And those who cause me grief,
That Jesus' Blood may cleanse all hearts,
And suff'ring souls relieve.

And when the priest Communion takes,
Oh, bring my Lord to me,
That His sweet Heart may rest on mine,
And I His temple be.

Pray that this Sacrifice Divine,
May mankind's sins efface;
Then bring me Jesus' blessing home,
The pledge of every grace. Amen