Prayer For Loved Ones

Dear Father, please give my man the ability to be the best husband and father. Give him the wisdom, patience and the thoughtfulness to lead a home and care for his family. Order his priorities aright and give him the consciousness that his family should be the most important aspect of his life. Please Lord, keep the thoughts for the good the family constant in his mind and stir his mind away from distractions of work, habits and strange women. Let him continually work together with me to cherish the peace and comfort of this family. Let him the able to give to his family without holding back, Lord.

Dear Lord, I pray that you give my darling the courage to grow in character and deal with untoward habits and actions from the past. Father, give him the doggedness to leave the scars of the past behind where they belong and focus on the future which you have in mind for him. Lord, take his mind off the failures and disappoints of the past years and let him be able to direct his strength at preparing a better and much brighter future where he can be someone whom him and everyone around him can be proud of. Let him always be assured of a glorious and purposeful future in You Lord.

Dear Lord, I pray for my man and the kind of company that he keeps. I pray that he his continually reminded to walk and keep acquaintances only those that reminds him of your love and commandments. Please Lord, keep him away from the wrong set of friends and allow him have companionship with those that brings him closer to his dreams, goals and aspirations. He shall not be deceived and seduced away by the wrong people and his communication shall remain continually seasoned, godly and worthy of emulation. If need be Oh Lord, tear him away from forcefully from the wrong set of people and let him value only the essence of kingdom friendship.

Dear Lord, I just want to take this time to thank you for my man and all that you have done in bringing us together. Thank you, Lord, for the love and companionship that we share. I am grateful for the genuine love that we share for each other. More than anything Lord, I thank you for bringing our path together and allowing us to share that perfect love and harmony that you have endorsed. Please continue to fill the heart of man with love, compassion and care. Take away distractions and the wanton care of this world away from him and let his focus remain on that which really matter.

Dear Father, I pray for protection and security for my man. Please Lord, keep him safe daily under your guaranteed care and do not allow him to stray from your sight ever. Please Lord, just as you promised in your Words, give your Angels charge over him and never allow him fall prey into the hands of the enemy. Oh Lord, we do not trust in the security and safety of this world but we have our complete trust in the protection that you give oh Lord. Never allow me to weep over my man or worry over his health. Continue to be a shield and fortress and let him continue to feel safe in your care Lord.

Dear Father, I earnestly pray that you set the heart of man on the path to genuine love for You and for me. Teach him how to love me unconditionally and without wavering just like You have loved the Church oh Lord. Direct his heart towards that which is Just, Holy and Pure and do not allow any uncleanliness in his way. Teach him to continue in godliness and divine purpose and take away any thoughts of evil from his heart. Please Lord, give him a heart that acknowledges you as the Master and Lord and be his shield and sufficiency at all times oh Lord.

Dear Lord in Heaven, I pray for my man with all sincerity and love of the heart that he shall continue to prosper and excel. I pray that the fruits of his hardworking labor shall blossom and he shall not be put to shame. I pray O Lord that you shower him with abundant success and let his days be filled with joy and contentment. I pray for him that the work of his hands shall be imbued with integrity and please set his heart on honesty. I pray that my man shall know no lack and he will always have enough to provide for himself and his family Lord.

Dear God,

We're thankful that you know our hearts, you hear our prayers, and you care about all that concerns us. Thank you that you understand these burdens we carry and how we want, more than anything, to see our loved ones come to you. Help us to remember that you love them more than we ever could. And that you desire to extend your great love and forgiveness to the deepest part of their soul. We are forever grateful for your healing power, for your gift of mercy, and your message of hope.

Thank you Lord that nothing is too difficult for you. Thank you that your power is unlimited, and you came to set the captives free. Thank you that you wait, arms open, for the prodigal to return, that you look for his arrival to lavishly celebrate that he's come home.

We praise you for you are Redeemer and Rescuer, Savior and Lord. We know and believe that there's no pit so deep that your love can't reach us still. We understand that your mercies are new every morning, and your faithfulness is great.

Dear God, we ask that you would stop every plan of the enemy over those we love as we bring them before you right now. We pray that you demolish his schemes and that your plans for good, for a future and hope, would prevail. Please open up blind eyes that they might see your truth. We believe in you to rescue those walking in darkness, and to heal the deep wounds of all who have been hurt. We pray for the miraculous intervention of your Spirit to draw them to yourself, to work strongly on behalf of our loved ones who are lost and wandering.

For you came with good news, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for captives and release for the prisoners. Though we deserved penalty for our wrong, you stood in our place and took the blows on our behalf. You chose to die so that we can live forever, and we could be free.

Lord, forgive our unbelief. Please forgive the times we've doubted that you could ever change a distant heart. Forgive our hard-heartedness, our weariness, or forgetfulness to pray continually. And thank you God, that you never give up on us. Remind us again of how you've changed our own hearts; how your miracle of life and hope has sprung up deep within our souls.

We love you Lord; we need you today and every day. We thank you that you hear our prayers and believe that you are at work even now. Powerfully. Faithfully. And miraculously. Doing what only You can do.

Thank you again for the most wonderful gift of our Savior, God with us. Thank you for your great goodness and love.

In Jesus' Name,
