Prayer For Love And Happiness

Lord, you know the deep love I have for this beautiful soul.
We are so thankful to have found each other.
I lift them to you now, and ask for your blessing.
Please watch over them, keep and protect them.

Lord, help me to care for them as you do.
May freedom and grace surround them.
Show me how to honour them and bless our connection.
May your mercy and love follow us all the days of our lives.

We love you.


My Lord and my Father,

You know my desire,
The longing I have for a soul mate to find.
So lead me to fullness, take away fear,
Fill me with joy, wipe away tears.
Moment by moment let hope arise,
As I search and discover, open my eyes.
Take all I am, and refill my life,
Let hope be my motto and love be my guide.

O Lord,

Each moment of everyday I trust my loved one to you. May you cover them with protection, carry them through the hard times, and lead them to love and happiness.
May you rekindle the fire of our love. Come inspire my mind and show me if there is anything I can do to care for my loved one.

I can not always be there for them, but you are forever besides them. Each moment of everyday I trust my loved one to you.


Dear Lord,

Your Father heart is full of wisdom, truth and love. You lead us to enjoy the beauty in creation, to engage each day with love in our hearts. You teach us to live lives brimming with your love and goodness.

We are so blessed to live in your care. Thank you that you guide us into true love and happiness by your gentle hand. We choose to give our lives to you each day.



You have searched me, and you know me. You hear my thoughts, you know my needs and breathe your life into my dreams.

So I know that you understand my longing to find love. I know that you will lead me to meet someone special to walk with. I know you want to give me the desires of my heart. You are a loving Father, I can share my every hope, every feeling and every dream with you.
I pray that I would meet someone soon who I can love, someone who I can have a close relationship with, marry, and share my life with.

Thank you Father,


Dear Lord,

Thank you for all your blessings,
For my family, friends and neighbours.
Thank you for all the beauty
In the skies, the lakes and the mountains.
Thank you for all the excitement of celebration,
Birthdays, weddings and christenings.
Thank you for all the variety of animals, birds and insects.
Thank you for all the enrichment of music, art and literature.
Thank you for the amazing jigsaw of life!
What a beautiful picture is made when I place all these pieces together!
Thank you for the promise of eternity,
For the sacrifices you made so that I can be free,
Free to make my life into a glorious patchwork of thanksgiving
That carries me onwards to the promises of new heavenly pieces to add to all that I already hold.

Thank you.


Forgive me, when my heart is yearning, for a love that I just can not find. When I can't see the joy of each blessing without somebody close by my side. I trust that you know me completely, that it's OK to dream of such things. So I await not in the sidelines at home, but embracing each day that you bring.

Soon, I will meet the right person, with whom I can share the world. But until that time, I'll walk without fear, with your hope gently lifting my wings.



Please help me to rest in your happiness,
To allow a smile to linger on my lips,
To dwell within a wonderful memory,
To walk back through sunlit places.

Please help me to awake with hope,
To engage with life in all its variety,
To take in the beauty of others joys,
To touch the souls of those I meet with thankfulness.

Please help me to sing with faith,
To carry the truth close in my heart always,
To rejoice at new life and
To have peace as I age.

Please help me to indulge in love
To breathe in the sweetness of intimacy,
To taste the kindness of friendship,
To feel the warmth of embrace.

Please help me not to miss
A single drop of heaven,
To catch each moment
And drink in the great joy of life.
