Prayer For Losing A Father

Heavenly Father, by your power Christ conquered death and ascended in glory. I pray that you will give me the blessing of peace in the midst of my grief at the loss of my loved one. Jesus died and rose again, and is seated at your right hand, interceding for your people. I ask that you would bring comfort to my weary heart. I thank you for the memories I have and pray that you will show me the path of life, and the fullness of joy in your presence through all eternity. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

O Lord, my God, thank you that you are my rock and fortress, I can always find refuge in you. You have said that whoever follows you will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. As I feel the darkness of grief and sorrow at this time, shine your light on my life. Remind me that my hope is found in you. May your love surround me, your Spirit guide me, your voice cheer me, your peace calm me, your shield protect me, your wisdom arm me, wherever you may lead me. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Faithful Father, thank you that you are perfectly faithful; you never forget, never fail and never take back a promise. You have promised that you will respond to the prayer of the needy. Show compassion to me in my time of need Lord and comfort my heart as I mourn my loved one. Let me be filled with your Holy Spirit. You are the God of hope. Fill me with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit I may abound in hope. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Compassionate and loving Father, thank you that I am never alone, your presence calms the troubled sea of my life and speaks peace to my soul. Your word says that my faith will never be put to shame when my trust is in you. Hear my prayer as I ask for comfort in dealing with the loss of my loved one. Help me to find strength and peace in your presence. Restore joy to my soul. Lord, bless me and keep me, make your face shine upon me. Turn your face towards me and give me peace. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Time has stopped. How can it possibly carry on when the sudden loss of my loved one has overcome me? Darkness fell. Where is the light they brought each day and the warmth of their embrace? Joy buried. My heavy heart feels empty, lonely, frozen by the fragility of life taken. And yet I still come to you Lord in this timeless, dark and frozen place where my heart resides. Time stopped when you took your final cry, your last breath of great suffering. Darkness fell, as your Father had to turn, to wait, to suffer a separation from you his beloved son. Joy buried with you in the tomb, hopeless, finished cold. And yet I know that you arose from that heartless, lonely and frozen place. You rose to life and extinguished the power of death. Thank you that my loved one has arisen with you into heavens glorious light. Thank you that right now they are alive in this place of incomparable beauty and eternal love. Lord Jesus, in you I trust. Amen.

Abba Father, May your love hold me together as I grieve for my own father. It is such a great loss to me, such a painful and empty place to be. Help me to entrust him to your Kingdom, may I have eternal vision that is full of promise. Please help me to remember good times with great thankfulness and hold each memory deep in my heart. You are my heavenly Father and you are his heavenly Father, and you love him as I love him. Help my heart to rest in this eternal love. Amen.

Time is in your hands, O Lord
You place the sun and moon.
You turn the tides of ocean deep
So you can hold me safe in grief,
You can hold me safe.

Eternity is always there
Around us everyday.
From every seed that grows a tree
Creation sings of life redeemed,
In Christ we are redeemed.

Love is yours, it bears your mark,
Your imprints everywhere.
Each tender word I shared remains
Love lives beyond our fleeting frame,
It lives beyond our frame.

My precious one runs to your arms
I trust them to your care.
You catch my tears and help me see,
The hope of Heaven's glorious light,
The hope of Heaven's light.

Dear Jesus,

Come wait here, come dwell here with me. I hide in your presence, and rest in the grief.

I lost so much when dad passed away, his comfortable arm around my shoulder, his generous love of me. Lord, stir up these wonderful memories and help me to soak in that warmth. And when I am chilled by his absence, please cover me with your love and surround me with your arms.

Fill up my dreams with the hope of Heaven, my mind with the promise of truth. Give me the vision to trust that my father is safe now with you. Lead me to new springs of life to enjoy, until I too come home Lord to you.
