Prayer For Looking For A Husband

Righteous Lord, I wait on You and will be of good courage, for it is You who strengthens my heart. I will wait on You as I wait for my husband. I pray that You give me the strength to wait patiently and purposefully. I pray that I use this season of waiting for the purpose of personal growth so that I can be the person my husband needs me to be. I pray that You direct me to him so that I can find him, Amen.

Magnificent Father, Your word states that a man shall leave his father and his mother to be with his wife, and they shall be one flesh. I pray for the man that You have chosen to be my husband, I pray that You give him the strength to leave his mother and father and give him the guidance that brings him to me. I pray that I too am led by You on my journey of finding my husband, Amen.

Father, I call unto You and I know that You will answer! It is You who has shown me great and mighty things which I know not. It is You who will reveal the identity of my husband, which I currently know not. I thank You in advance for guiding me to my husband, it is only by Your grace and mercy that I will find him; and when I do, I will be eternally grateful, Amen.

Faithful God, I lift You up because You do not slack concerning Your promise as some men would. You do not delay, but You are extraordinarily patient towards me. I pray that I too reflect Your nature and become extraordinarily patient whilst finding my husband. I pray that I do not rush Your timing for You work things together for my good at the perfect time, Amen.

Awesome God, I pray that You give me strength and wisdom in this journey that I have embarked on. Finding a husband in this day and age is not easy, but I pray that I find him according to Your will over my life. I pray that my husband loves You more than any other thing, because it is not a wise thing for me to marry someone who does not love and believe in You. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? Amen.

Father, I place my quest to find my husband in Your hands. I give my future marriage to You because Your word stated that I must ask and it shall be given to me, I must seek, and I will find and when I know it shall be opened to me. Lord, I ask that You guide me to the man You want me to marry, I seek Your guidance for this situation, and I pray that You open the necessary doors for this to happen, Amen.

Eternal Father, I pray for my future marriage and husband. I thank You in advance for helping me find him and I declare Your word over our marriage. I thank You for the moment that we are no longer two but one flesh. I declare that what You have joined together, let man not separate. I proclaim unity not division, and encouragement not destruction. I pray that You keep my husband so that I can meet him, Amen.

Precious Lord, I pray that You give me the right mentality to find a husband. I pray that I do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because for those things I could reject him; this is not right. For You do not see as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but You look at the heart. I pray that I learn to look at the heart of the man I intend to marry rather than his appearance, Amen.