Prayer For Light

Jesus, You are the light that I long for and I will continue to follow You in good times and bad. Let Your Kingdom come, Lord, let Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.

Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who reminds me to do what is good and pleasing to You. Almighty God, thank You for all that You have done and will continue to do.

I give all praise and glory to Your most Holy and Precious Name, Jesus! Hallelujah to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. SO BE ITAmen and Amen!


I thank You that You are never overcome by darkness. Even the darkest night is as bright as the brightest day to You. Thank You that as I walk with You, learning to walk in Your ways, seeking Your divine presence in my life moment by moment, this darkness I presently feel will dissipate, and the night around me will be like day once again.

Thank You that You promise me that I will shine again. As You transform my life and deliver me from these present challenges that seek to overwhelm and destroy me, rather than being overwhelmed and destroyed, these challenges will be the making of me. I will become stronger and a brighter light for Your glory.

Wash me clean of all darkness. Take me into the light of Your glorious presence and radiate all darkness out of my being in Jesus' Name. I thank You for the sacrifice of Your dear Son, Jesus, who bled and died to give me an opportunity to be forgiven and cleansed.

I trust in the Holy blood and water that gushed forth from the sacred, broken heart of Jesus to flood over me and to break this cycle of darkness plaguing my life today. I stand beneath that flow, bowing in worship for Your generous, glorious love for me.

In Jesus' Name


let me be still

and at peace,

just for a few moments,

in the busy-ness

of my day.

Let me be attentive

to where I have been

and where I am headed.

And let me see where

you have been present

in my life



God, with you there is no darkness. Your character has no shadows, and you are pure and good. Yet in our broken world, we see so much darkness around us. Pain, sickness, and disease are in our community and in many of our homes.

Bring your light and restoring presence to the dark places in our lives. Bring your hope to hearts that feel defeated. Bring your love and compassion to those in pain.

Give us faith to say with the psalmist, Lord, you light my lamp; my God illuminates my darkness. May your light of hope shine in the darkness for families today. Show us glimpses of your presence with us and the comfort you bring.

In the busyness of today, help us to take a moment to be still and sit with you. To slow down, breathe deeply, and release our burdens to your strong hand. You are trustworthy, good, and true, and we thank you for caring for us so deeply and beautifully. Open our eyes to see you at work today. Give us your light.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Lord, Lord, open unto me
Open unto me, light for my darkness.
Open unto me, courage for my fear.
Open unto me, hope for my despair.
Open unto me, peace for my turmoil.
Open unto me, joy for my sorrow.
Open unto me, strength for my weakness.
Open unto me, wisdom for my confession.
Open unto me, forgiveness for my sins.
Open unto me, love for my hates.
Open unto me, thy Self for my self.
Lord, Lord, open unto me! Amen.