Prayer For July

Merciful God, thank You for bringing me into the seventh month of the year and also the second half of this year. Thank You for Your loving kindness and tender mercies towards me. Thank You for preserving my life and the lives of my loved ones. Receive all my praise

Lord our God, you want to be our God and you want us to be your people. Give us the inner integrity and the power to discern and reject what does not come from the heart, so that everything may be genuine among us. Then no lies and deception will creep in, and honesty and goodness will flow from our hearts to the glory of truth, to the glory of the gospel and the great hope you give us through the gospel. Guard our hearts. Protect the good that is planted in them, that it may grow and thrive and bear fruit. Amen.

Dear Father in heaven, Almighty God, grant that the nations come under your rule, under your judgment from morning to evening, from east to west, from north to south. For your will must be done, and your name must be honored among all nations. Yours alone is the kingdom; all kingdoms belong to you. Your heavenly kingdom must come so that at last we learn to be at peace and become your children, who submit to you. For your Christ shall carry out your loving, merciful, and perfect will throughout the world. We thank you for all the good you want to provide for us. May your angels watch over us this night. Be with us in all we do or leave undone. Help us with your strong hands, that we may rejoice at heart in all the good you give us. Amen.

Lord God of mercy and power, we recognize you as the source of all authority on this earth, and we beg that you give your grace to those who hold public office. In a special way, they need your wisdom to decide aright in difficult matters, and to defend those who cannot speak for themselves the unborn, the immigrant, the senile, the despairing.

Lord, God of life and of love, you have chosen to make us stewards of this world. We beg you to help us use this office in a way that is pleasing to you and respectful of all our sisters and brothers, born and yet unborn. Give us the wisdom daily to be just in our own decisions and prudent in our own choices. Give us the heart to be willing to do the spiritual works of mercy, when convenient and when inconvenient. Make us men and women of integrity, and inspire those who have been entrusted with authority, al-ways to respect the natural moral law and to look for the common good.


Lord God, I come to thee for help, that I may make more of my life. Steady me, that I may know its value without wavering, and the loss it sustains from wasted days. I pray that I may live more in thy commandments, and with my work accept the joy of thy love. Amen.

Lord God, if I am discouraged this morning, may I pause for thine encouragement. Grant that the fear of the night may make no decline in my morn, but that "into the future I may fuse the past," and use what is clearest for to-day. Amen.

My Lord, may I remember that to protect the character of others is to add virtue to my own. Grant that I may see the good and not be looking for the evil. Cause me to know that peace will not abide in deceit or revenge, but may be found in a happy and charitable spirit. Help me to earn thy peace. Amen.

My Father, save me from the habit of borrowing. So often I borrow trouble and cannot use it, when the peace that I possess is all that I need. Help me, that I may not miss the glory of to-day, by anticipating the uncertainty of to-morrow; but may I discern my place and have delight in every day. Amen.