Prayer For Jealousy And Envy

Father, grant me a peaceful heart for I do not want to be a jealous person anymore. If there is any ounce of ungodly jealousy in my heart, Lord, wash it away with the blood of your son Jesus Christ. Remove anything in me that causes me to burn up with jealousy. Help me to find fulfillment in your promises and not in the things of this world. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Dear Lord, at times, life is so hard and unfair according to my human mind. It is hard to see those people who do not fear you prospering in life while unbelievers keep on struggling. Father, my heart is filled with jealousy because everywhere I turn, I see people who are not committed to you succeeding while I keep failing. But I do not want to live like this anymore. Help me to stop being jealous and to start appreciating the little that I have because you will never shame me. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Oh God, I praise you with my whole heart. I sing praises to you today. I praise you for though you are the Lord, yet you regard the lowly. Father, I come before your throne to ask you to perfect that which concerns me. Give me a more profound revelation of your love, dear Lord, that I may accept myself the way I am and not be jealous of other people. Help me to fix my eyes on Jesus that I may start to see myself the way you see me and stop being insecure. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Everlasting Father, the spirit of jealousy is consuming my life. I don't want to live in this bondage anymore. I have allowed the enemy to lead me astray with thoughts of insecurity. Forgive me, Father. Change my heart that I may be able to see the beauty in everyone and to be happy for them genuinely. Close any demonic doors that I have opened in my life because of being jealous. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Father God, help me never to be jealous of other people. Lord, I know that I struggle with jealousy because I'm not confident in who I am. Help me to stop looking at myself and to start looking at Jesus who is my confidence. When anxious thoughts start flooding my mind, Holy Spirit, point me back to Jesus and help me to focus on him alone. Teach me how to be confident and use me as a vessel to help other people that are struggling with jealousy to become confident. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

King of Glory, may my thoughts conform to yours that everything I do or say may be pleasing to you. Forgive me for not being thankful for the blessings that you've given me. Help me to find contentment in you that I may conquer jealousy thoughts that flood my mind from time to time. If there are any thoughts of jealousy in my heart, Father, bring them to my attention and help me to deal with them so that I can live a life that is pleasing to you. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Gracious Father, sometimes I act like I am more deserving than other people, and when things don't go my way, I end up being very jealous. Other times I become obsessed with thoughts of wanting to become like someone else, and this leaves me insecure. Forgive me, dear Lord, and help me to become a better person. Let the blood of your son Jesus cleanse me from the effects of jealousy and may you fill me with peace, love and joy. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, I so often look at other people and simply wish I was like them, or have what they have, and Father it seems to be developing into an obsession, which frightens me Lord. Help me to overcome this obsessive jealousy of wishing I was someone else and of being envious of their opportunities and personalities.
Lord, I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and that You scheduled every day of my life, and that You even know the numbers of hairs on my head. And in my heart I know that You died for me because you love me. Help me Lord, to be content with me and who I am, and please help me to overcome this desire to always be like someone else.

I pray Lord, that every time a feeling of jealousy or envy starts to creep into my thoughts, that You would help me to take that thought captive and hand it over to Jesus. Help me instead to fix my mind on You, and call to mind that You died on the cross and rose again because of Your love for me.
Thank You for loving me, and I pray that I may learn to become the person You made me to be, and be released from always wishing I was someone else. Thank You, in the name of Jesus Christ, my Saviour,