Prayer For Infidelity In Marriage

Oh Lord, Builder of all things, I ask that You rebuild my marriage. My spouse has been unfaithful but has repented and returned to me. And yet, I find it hard to trust and easy to resent. Help me to be forgiving without being enabling, and trusting without being foolish. Help us to rebuild this marriage together into a stronger union than it was before. Let us experience joy and gladness together. Amen.

Steadfast Father, my spouse has left me to live with another person. For the sake of our children and for the sake of our union that should reflect the relationship between You and the church, I ask that my spouse would return to our family, fully committed to long-term and single-minded devotion to me and to our children. Let my heart that has been crushed rejoice again. Create within each of us a new heart of love for one another. Amen.

My God, You are a Consuming Fire, and I ask that You burn out of each of us all desire for anyone else, all disrespect for one another, and any feelings of inadequacy or insecurity. I pray that we would rise out of the ashes of betrayal and that You would restore a faithful union between us. May we have eyes only for You and for one another. Amen.

Lord of Peace, my spouse is guilty of straying, but I confess my own shortcomings in this marriage. I confess that I have been distant. I have been overly critical and argumentative. I have been emotionally unavailable, and have not given my spouse affirmation and affection. Forgive both of us our sins and help us to forgive each other. Help each of us to do our part to put this marriage back on track. Amen.

O God, our Mighty Warrior, help us to fight for our marriage and overcome these hurdles that have arisen from my spouse's infidelity. Restore in me a sense of security and trust. Help me to forgive this violation of our marriage covenant. Help my spouse to realize how wrong it was to break this covenant and allow this great sin to come between us. Help my spouse to receive Your empowerment to honor our relationship. Amen.

God of Hope, our marriage is broken in so many ways, including by infidelity, and this situation seems hopeless. And yet, when You are at work, there is always a reason to hope. I pray that You would mend our marriage. May my spouse turn away from adultery, and turn back to me. Mend our hearts of all the hurts, mend our relationship skills, and mend the way we regard each other. Amen.

God of Infinite Hope, my spouse has cheated on me, and I feel there is no hope for this relationship my hurt is just too deep. But Lord, I know You are my Miracle-Worker, and that what is impossible in the natural is possible with You. Transform our marriage, I pray. Restore hope to both of us. Lord, I don't want to just limp along in a tentative state I want this marriage to be fully restored to better than it ever was. Come to our rescue! Amen.

Father of Encouragement, my heart is shattered. I feel deceived and abandoned. Please bring my spouse to repentance for unfaithfulness, and bring us together once again. I know it will be a hard road, but enable us to renew our love for one another. Help us each to discard negative behaviors and words that are harmful to our relationship, and to focus on being respectful and tender and encouraging to one another. Amen.