Prayer For Inconsiderate Neighbors

Oh, God {name} needs You! Please encourage her in her faith. Comfort her with your love. May all her relationships be sweet because Your Spirit fills her. Soften her heart and give her grace to be compassionate. Please bring unity and harmony to her family and help her to esteem and respect different personalities and opinions. May her love for You motivate her to work with others to solve life's problems. Bring them to agreement and solidarity; drive out selfish desires and personal ambitions. May Your Spirit make her humble, and may she have the confidence to think of others' needs before her own. Help her to be Christlike in every encounter You bring to her today.

Lord, I pray that {name} would seek You first in everything she does. Please turn her heart to You, and give her the desire to know you and serve you. When she is seeking You, help her to make wise decisions based on Your ways and Your word. Create a hunger in her for You; make her curious about You. Give her the gift of faith to believe that following You will cause everything else in her life to fall into place.

Dear heavenly Father, I pray that Your Spirit would fill {name} with sincere kindness and sacrificial love. Please help him to be patient with others, with himself and with his circumstances. May he be peace-loving and persevering. Give him hope to endure this difficult time.

Dear Jesus,
I ask for you to consider me at this time.
You know the problems with the people who live near us.
You know the whole situation.
I'm reminded of the scriptures:
"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies" (Psalm 23:5).
How true this feels.
Dear Jesus,
please help me!
The enemy keeps trying to strike me with fear about these people.
The enemy keeps trying to come around and spit out lies to make me afraid.
Lord Jesus!
I'm a Christian!
I'm an adopted child of yours,
so please intervene!
Position guardian angels around our living place and stand guard between us and them.
Let thy Holy Ghost be guarding us day and night spiritually from whatever they are doing in their own area.
No matter what we hear or see, protect us!
Please God,
destroy any bondage, strong holds or spirit of fear trying to be built up between us and them: break it in Jesus powerful name.
I pray the Holy blood of Jesus Christ between us and them. I pray for God almighty to intervene and cause resolution.
I proclaim that this place belongs to Jesus Christ [YESHUA] the Biblical Messiah!
I proclaim that I'm a Christian who will be kept safe in Jesus!
Help me to remember that you are the Almighty God,
and you are more than capable in keeping us safe spiritually and physically.
Strengthen me,
that every time they come up in my mind I can stand strong in your name against all lies, anxieties and fears,
and quickly forget about the situation, knowing it's in your hands.
Wipe these people off of my mind please Jesus,
so that I may have the peace in this situation that I know you want me to have.
I choose to have faith, not fear.
I choose to have faith that you will do these things for me,
help me be patient with your works.

In Jesus Christ name I pray,

Our Sweet Father God has answered our prayers regarding the neighbors across the street.

After the Police were called on these neighbors, the boyfriend finally moved out!
He was arrested and charged with assault and battery on his girlfriend.

Praise Almighty Sweetest Father God!

I am now in great need of prayers for the Neighbors next door.

Despite that I tried to talk with them, to please keep the noise down during the night time, so my soon to be 94 year old father can sleep, these neighbors have ignored my pleas. I had to call the Police several times for disturbing the peace.

The Lord has informed me that these neighbors will be moving soon.

To be patient and wait.

For have I not taken care of your family so far?

Place all your faith and trust in ME.

And all will be well soon.

The Lord wants us to gather together "as one,' and pray for these neighbors.

For When Two Or More Are Gathered In My Name

I AM Among Thee!

Thank YOU everyone!

May Our Sweetest, Loving Father God, Bless YOU All!

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Dear Lord, please either touch the hearts of these neighbors so they will become more considerate of others or provide them with an opportunity to move so cbonhomme's family may have some peace and quiet. Amen.

Oh Father, how well I remember nights such as cbonhomme has described. Music so loud that the walls moved. The promises that quiet would rein, not fulfilled. As You heard my cries all those long years ago, hear cbonhomme's cry now. Convict the neighbours to goodness and courtesy for those around them. Let them see the disharmony they create. And Lord, let them understand the pain they have created for cbonhomme and family and for the other neighbours. I pray Lord, that you bring peace, harmony and quiet to cbonhomme's life. Amen.

Father, I lift this family to You in Jesus' name. Lord, You know that this family's life of peace and quiet is disrupted by inconsiderate neighbours who could not care less for others. Thank You Jesus for reassuring us that You are working Your purposes in our life especially in the life of cbonhomme and his family, and that You are the Master of circumstances. You have promised to suply all their needs. Lord, I ask that You will handle this neighbour according to Your plan and Your will. I seek Your protection upon cbonhomme's family, that they will not have to worry but instead to trust You to provide the solution. May the power of Your Holy Spirit stop every outside noise and disturbances from reaching the home of this family. Help them to spend their time in prayer and supplictions and to let their requests be made known unto You with thanksgiving. Loving Jesus, we are so thankful that You have given us the strength and have provided prayer and praise as practical outlets to prevent us from worry. Lord, I pray that this family will take no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. May they take one day at a time, Lord, because You have shown them that this day's trouble is enough for one day. Standing upon Your promies of Your Word, therefore let the worries of this family be placed upon Your hands, knowing fully that You will take care of everything that is given to You. I love You Jesus. In Your name I pray. Amen.