Prayer For Honesty

Dear Lord Jesus, You were the one Who said, "let the children come to me for of such is the kingdom of heaven." I thank You for my children and the way that they are learning about You in their daily lives. I ask that in Your grace they may grow in wisdom and integrity and understand the importance of honesty and truth.

Give me wisdom as I teach and train them so that they learn to make the right choices and to grow closer to You each day. Lord, You promised that if we bring up a child in the way they should go then when they are older they will not depart from it. Help me to lay a good, firm spiritual foundation based on correct scriptural principles in their lives. Give me wisdom as I correct them, and keep me from expecting behaviours from them that I do not fully comply with in my own life.

Lord, I pray that they come to a true understanding of biblical standards and godly values, and that they learn to quickly acknowledge their faults while knowing that it is by Your grace that they are forgiven and by Your grace that they may grow to be more like the Lord Jesus.

Guide them into truth, and I ask that they may come to know and love You more and more Whom to know is life eternal. Help them to develop truth in the inward parts and realise the importance of integrity and honesty in all they say and do. Lord, I give my children over to You and pray that You would equip me to furnish them with all they need to grow into godly men and women. In Jesus' name I pray,


Heavenly Father, Your are good and righteous altogether and I come to You today, confessing that I have not lived my life the way that You would have wanted, nor did I choose the path that You would have wished for me to take.

I confess my lack and come to You in humility of spirit, knowing that in Your loving-kindness, You forgive those that are of a contrite heart. Father, I want to turn my life around and live in a way that is transparent before You. I want to live a godly life that is pleasing to You and a life that brings glory to Your name. Lord, I do not want to grieve or quench the work of the Holy Spirit in my life any more, and know that the only way to please You is to walk in spirit and truth, and to live each day in submission to Your guidance, and empowered by Your grace.

Cleanse my heart of sin, forgive my stupidity and teach me Your ways I pray. Lord, I want to change my behaviour to reflect those of the Lord Jesus and I want the thoughts of my mind to be pleasing in Your sight. I want to be a person of integrity, and live a life that is godly and full of grace, and I can only do so as I abide in You and rest in Your love. Teach me Your ways and give me a teachable spirit so that in the days to come I may live godly in Christ Jesus, knowing that this is Your will for my life.

Thank You that You have been faithful to me even when I proved unfaithful, and in Your grace, I step out into the future with my hand in Yours. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear Lord, thank You so much for Your love. I know that because I am abundantly loved by You, I have an abundance of love to give. Help me today to live loved and to give love. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Father almighty, you are greater than all. We come to you humbly, seeking favour, guidance, inspiration and continued motivation. We pray that on the days when we feel like giving in, we can look to you and know that we will win. We ask that you give us the foresight, patience and the peseverance needed to enter this world of business. Father, as a couple, this blessing will do so much for us and will be an inspiration for many others too. We pray that you may help us function as a unit, in constant unison with each other. We pray that should there be discord, you will invoke in us a spirit of harmony.

We pray that we conduct all of our affairs with honesty, integrity and fairness. We pray that we will arise and meet every challenge and will never shy away from the competition, no matter how big, because thou art the greatest.Please bless us father, so that we too may bless others. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen

Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.
Surely you desire truth in the inner parts;
you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.
Psalm 51: 1,6

Prayer is not a performance. It is not an attempt to impress God. Prayer is honest communication.

Transparency is the cornerstone of intimacy in any relationship, including our relationship with God.
In the story of Adam and Eve we see our instinctive response to failure. Adam and Eve failed and then they hid from God. They had been intimate with God, but now they were in hiding. Where are you? God called. God still calls us today. Where are you? Come out of hiding, be honest with Me, it is the only way we can experience intimacy.

Honesty is the choice to come out of hiding.

Being honest means that we tell the truth about ourselves. It means we do not deny or minimize or blame. Instead, we acknowledge the truth about our thoughts, our feelings, our actions. This may sound easy, but it is often anything but easy. Honesty exposes our weaknesses, our needs, our fears, our failings. The truth about ourselves may feel shameful. We may be working so hard to defend ourselves against feelings of shame that we find it difficult to be honest. We may fear that God and others close to us will reject us if we tell the truth.

But if we think about how we might respond to a friend who is honest and transparent with us, we know that we would feel drawn to this friend, we would feel closer to them and we would be grateful for their trusting disclosure.

Our response to honesty in others is usually gratitude, appreciation, even tenderness. And so it is with God. God welcomes our honesty. God invites us to courageously practice truth in the inner parts, trusting that God will respond to our honesty with compassion.

The psalmist begins this psalm by reflecting on God's unfailing love and compassion. When we feel safe with someone, we find it easier to be honest. When we trust that we are loved unconditionally, we are better able to expose our souls. Prayer is honesty with God. Prayer is revealing our souls to the One who loves us without fail.

Your mercy.
Your love.
Your compassion.
They are my hope.
They draw me out of hiding.
They call me to a place of transparency.
I come out of hiding with all my weaknesses and fears.
My inmost places' are not accustomed to the light of your Love.
Teach me to practice truth in my inmost being.
Teach me the wisdom of honesty where it matters the most.
Heal me.
Transform me.
May I be a person who no longer has a need to hide.
Make me a person whose insides are full of truth and wisdom.

Your Words are carved for eternity!

You have commanded the virtue of honesty,

It is the power against all deceptions.

Direct Your Spirit of honesty upon me,

That by soul may always remain stainless.

Guide my daily thoughts, words and actions,

To join those living by the Spirit of truth.

For honesty yields harmony and loyalty,

Enriching all human relationships.

By the power of Your Spirit that flourishes,

Honesty will prevail in this world! Amen

Dear Lord, thank You so much for Your love. I know that because I am abundantly loved by You, I have an abundance of love to give. Help me today to live loved and to give love. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Jesus, Prince of all Heavenly truths, Your Words are carved for eternity! You have commanded the virtue of honesty, It is the power against all deceptions. Direct Your Spirit of honesty upon me, That by soul may always remain stainless. Guide my daily thoughts, words and actions, To join those living by the Spirit of truth. For honesty yields harmony and loyalty, Enriching all human relationships. By the power of Your Spirit that flourishes, Honesty will prevail in this world!