Prayer For Healing Of Sick Child

Loving Lord Jesus, You are the good Shepherd of the sheep and You are the One Who carries the little lambs in Your arms and gently cares for those that are weak and afraid. Lord, it is so hard to watch a child in distress and feel helpless to aid them, but I pray Lord, that You would safely carry this little child and tend for him/her as only You can.

I lift up this precious child to You, and ask for Your healing power to permeate through their frail body and return them to radiant health and strength. Relieve all the symptoms of this unpleasant illness that has invaded this little body. Guard my child from danger and may he/she respond to Your healing touch on their life.

Thank You, that You are a God Who cares and loves little children and that You hear and answer prayers. Keep this precious lamb enfolded in Your arms and resting on Your bosom. Raise him/her back to full health I pray, and we will give You all the thanks and praise for You alone are worthy.


Dear Lord, You are I AM, I'm-Possible. You are the Way, the Truth and the Life, and You are forever faithful. Thank You for being with me always, holding me close and being my hiding place. Help me lean on these truths when the news I receive feels impossible. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Dear Lord, I'm choosing to hand over to You today all the things I don't understand and that feel too overwhelming. I declare Your goodness over my child's sickness today and believe You are working all things for my good and Your glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Lord, help me see myself, my child, and our lives through your eyes. I often focus on my circumstances of sickness instead of focusing on You. When I look at what I can't do and what I don't have, I get discouraged and overwhelmed. I want to run and hide. Please come to me like you came to Gideon, and set my eyes on Your plan and your provision for today. You are the strength of my heart and my portion forever!

Dear God, motherhood can be exhausting, but You have placed us perfectly. Encourage our hearts as only You can. Heal our children and breathe life back into our days. For You assure us: "My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19) As we recall the miraculous healing that Jesus performed on this earth, our hearts are encouraged and reminded of the power our Savior has to heal us. The blind could see, the lame could walk, and the demon-possessed were freed. There is no problem or ailment that is bigger than Jesus. He who knew our trials before He died for us, is there for us. We don't see the wind, but it still moves. We don't see God, but He is moving. He is healing, and He is there with a compassionate love for us unmatched by any earthly notion.

Lord Jesus, thank you that our hope for healing is in you. If there are doctors or treatments that you would want to use to heal this disease I pray that you would guide [child's name] to them. I ask for wisdom and discernment about which treatments to pursue.

God, I thank you that my child belongs to you and that you are in control of everything that happens from our first breath to our last sigh.

Lord Jesus, thank you that you love my child. I know that you hate what their illness is doing to them/me. I ask, in the name of Jesus, that you would heal this disease, that you would have compassion and bring healing from all sickness.

Your word says in Psalm 107:19-20 that when we call out to you the Eternal one you will give the order, heal and rescue us from certain death. In the Bible, I have read of miraculous healing and I believe that you still heal the same way today. I believe that there is no illness you cannot heal after all the Bible tells of you raising people from the dead so I ask for your healing in this situation. Amen.

It's hard to imagine a love that trumps a mother's for her child, especially when they are sick. When they miss out on fun things or are in pain, our hearts ache for them. We would do almost anything, sacrifice what we could, to heal them, make them smile again, see them well. The love of God surpasses what we can comprehend. The Father that gave His own Son, can be trusted to heal our littles. Father, bless and heal our children of their sicknesses. Restore their laughter, and let them play. Stir us to trust You more, and seek You harder. For just as You know us, You know our children. We are entrusted with them as mothers, but they are Yours. And You love them with the same extravagant love. In Jesus' Name, Amen