Prayer For Healing For My Sister

Heavenly Lord, I come to You today to lift up my dear sister, whose health is failing badly and who needs Your touch of healing on her life. Lord, I know that You are the Giver of life You know exactly what is the problem from which my sister is suffering, and I pray that in a wonderful way You would touch her and heal her as only You can.

Father, I know that You have power to heal and sometimes to choose to heal a person and at other times Your will is to be an ever-present Help in the midst of our distresses. I ask Lord, that whatever the reason for my sister's deteriorating health that You would give her the sufficient grace that You have promised to all Your children, so that you demonstrate not only to them but to those that have to do with them an amazing grace that only You can provide.

Nevertheless Father, I pray that You will see fit to heal my sister and to raise her to full health and strength, but may Your perfect will be done in her life and we will give you all the praise and all the glory, for You alone are worthy to recover our worship and praise. In Jesus' name I pray,


Heavenly Father, how I worship and praise You for Your loving kindness and goodness to each one of us. We could not draw another breath unless You gave us the power. You are indeed an awesome God and I stand in awe of You.

Lord, thank You that I am a part of the body of Christ and thank You for the many godly sisters in Christ that I have had the privilege to meet and get to know in my life. Lord, so many have come and gone and yet so many have left an indelible mark upon my life, and I just want to say thank You for all the dear sisters in Christ that have crossed my path, those that encouraged me and those that prayed for me, when I was lost in sin. Thank You for those that supported me and those that taught and trained me in the scripture to know more about You. Thank You for those that corrected me and for those that have blessed me in so many ways.

Lord, I know that although I have a lost touch with many of these dear sisters in Christ, that have had such a wonderful influence in my life, and although some have been taken to heaven already, I ask Your blessing on each and every one that is living today, wherever they may be, and pray that You would bring into each of their lives other godly women who would encourage and support them, and who would pray for them and encourage them. Thank You that one-day we will all stand before Your throne of grace and sing heavenly songs of great rejoicing together.

Thank You, Lord, for the many wonderful sisters in Christ that You have graciously placed in my life and I pray that You would give me the opportunity to similarly play the part of a sister in Christ' to others that You see fit to bring into my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


I lift up erikaseven and her sister to Your throne of grace. Father, please lay Your healing hand on them both. Give them peace as the doctors determine the cause of Y's symptoms. Father, we ask for healing according to Your will. May the doctors be highly skilled and compassionate. Blessed be the Name of our Lord. We praise You and we thank You. In Jesus mighty name, amen.


Please heal my sister.
Father, she has been through so much in life.
Please make her whole & give her many,many more years in the land of the living.
Remove every plague & sickness from her.
Give her the health of Yeshua(Jesus Christ).
Take all of her burdens & bare them Yourself. For Yeshua (Jesus),You said that Your yoke is light.
You know her needs & the desires of her heart. Please provide for all her needs & grant her the desires of her heart.
Please be with my sister & comfort her.
In Yeshua(Jesus) name I pray.
Amen & Amen.

Prayer Warriors, Would you please stand in agreement with me for the healing of my sister 'Y'. She has been having alot of medical tests lately & they all come back with something wrong(seriously wrong). She now has to go to a specialist (hematologist/oncologist). This is very scary naturally. Please stand in agreement with me that God will give her a 'good report' on her medical testing & that God will heal her from head to toe; inside & out. She has so many medical issues going on. Rather than me listing them all, I just ask that you just pray that God heal her body entirely. God knows of all the many issues going on in her body. _____________________ Lord, Please heal my sister. Father, she has been through so much in life. Please make her whole & give her many,many more years in the land of the living. Remove every plague & sickness from her. Give her the health of Yeshua(Jesus Christ). Take all of her burdens & bare them Yourself. For Yeshua (Jesus),You said that Your yoke is light. You know her needs & the desires of her heart. Please provide for all her needs & grant her the desires of her heart. Please be with my sister & comfort her. In Yeshua(Jesus) name I pray. Amen & Amen

Dear heavenly father, I come to you weak, confused, and my heart aches with tears running down my face. This is because my sister has been really ill lately her heart is in pain, her sides hurt possibly her kidneys and I wish and pray that I could do something for my sister to make the pain she endures disappear.For she is hurting badly my lord and her flesh is weak and I pray that you may lift her up and give unto her great strength and hope and cast all thoughts of fear, doubts, and hopelessness from her spirit and mind. I know my lord Jesus that you are the creator of all things and your heart is grand and your hands are those that heal.

I pray that you may take my sister and place your hands upon her and give unto her the gift of healing that will make all her pain disappear lord so that she can continue to praise you and worship all your goodness lord that her health will be renewed. I ask of you this because I love her with all of my heart and soul and it hurts me so, to see her in such pain I just want to see the smile on her face again and hear her laughter and speak of you the way she always does not caring what others think when she shouts your name with love.My father I know your here, I knew you know what is going on lord and In your timing lord i know your will shall be done. I humbly ask that you give to her comfort; overwhelming peace and hope and that her pain be gone. I also wish for her protection from all evil and those that wish to cause harm unto her flesh or soul.

For the wicked lurks and I know Jesus that you will protect her all the days of her life for she is yours.Jesus I love you so I always have and I always will. In Jesus name I pray,

Dear heavenly father, I come to you weak, confused, and my heart aches with tears running down my face. This is because my sister has been really ill lately her heart is in pain, her sides hurt possibly her kidneys and I wish and pray that I could do something for my sister to make the pain she endures disappear.

For she is hurting badly my lord and her flesh is weak and I pray that you may lift her up and give unto her great strength and hope and cast all thoughts of fear, doubts, and hopelessness from her spirit and mind. I know my lord Jesus that you are the creator of all things and your heart is grand and your hands are those that heal.

I pray that you may take my sister and place your hands upon her and give unto her the gift of healing that will make all her pain disappear lord so that she can continue to praise you and worship all your goodness lord that her health will be renewed. I ask of you this because I love her with all of my heart and soul and it hurts me so, to see her in such pain I just want to see the smile on her face again and hear her laughter and speak of you the way she always does not caring what others think when she shouts your name with love.

My father I know your here, I knew you know what is going on lord and In your timing lord i know your will shall be done. I humbly ask that you give to her comfort; overwhelming peace and hope and that her pain be gone. I also wish for her protection from all evil and those that wish to cause harm unto her flesh or soul.

For the wicked lurks and I know Jesus that you will protect her all the days of her life for she is yours.Jesus I love you so I always have and I always will. In Jesus name I pray,

Heavenly Lord, I come to You today to lift up my dear sister, whose health is failing badly and who needs Your touch of healing on her life. Lord, I know that You are the Giver of life You know exactly what is the problem from which my sister is suffering, and I pray that in a wonderful way You would touch her and heal her as only You can.
Father, I know that You have power to heal and sometimes to choose to heal a person and at other times Your will is to be an ever-present Help in the midst of our distresses. I ask Lord, that whatever the reason for my sister's deteriorating health that You would give her the sufficient grace that You have promised to all Your children, so that you demonstrate not only to them but to those that have to do with them an amazing grace that only You can provide.
Nevertheless Father, I pray that You will see fit to heal my sister and to raise her to full health and strength, but may Your perfect will be done in her life and we will give you all the praise and all the glory, for You alone are worthy to recover our worship and praise. In Jesus' name I pray,